Ukraine, Russia, and the West

I’m trying to wrap my head around how utterly inept Russia’s military has to be that two enemy helicopters flew 50km deep into their territory for a successful offensive strike. Not missiles. Not jets. Fucking helicopters. A major city and resupply hub on the front lines of the war was basically undefended.

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I guess Russia did have legitimate security concerns about Ukraine after all. The invasion starts tomorrow.

50km isn’t that far. helicopters flying low at night is hard to target apparently.

you know what’s amazing? reportedly russia lost 135 helis. ukraine didnt fly many at all, they would be no match for russian jets. only lost two, although some are inoperable due to damage while on the ground. the difference of equivalent monetary losses is closing in on a billion dollars.

Its not just this. Lets say Russia agrees to peace after they picked up the Donbass: How many of the natural resources of the Ukraine are laying there? I get the feeling its not just defending democracy but preventing the autocratic states to get a hold on a majority of important natural resources. China is the largest miner of rare earth metals afaik. And both countries are very active in Africa. Europe doesnt have much but needs these resources to keep their economy going. Not sure how much the US has of the important stuff you need esp for high tech.

One of our biggest discounters Aldi announced a 2nd price hike within 2 weeks. Butter apparently gets 30% more expensive on monday. Ukraine expects to only have 50-75% of their agriculture land under control. They will be able to supply themselves but a lot of the rest of the world who relys on food imports could be fucked. Russia could play good Samaritan again and become even more popular in certain parts of the world.

Its weird the last few days I checked news sites and there wasnt really any new news, i check the forum and its getting quieter in this thread but I get a dark feeling that it will be over at a point and we will wake up in a changed world we didnt expect with a lot of new challenges and becoming lessing dependent on countries like Russia becomes a dream in our heads. Might be time to bite the bullet for Germany and stop buying Gas from Russia to suffer now but in hope of a better future. But maybe its just me.

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Food prices at an all time high. Could be a big political deal this summer in the northern hemisphere.


So much for their vaunted entrenchments.

If true, this would seem to cut off all points south.

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“Accused?” You invaded their country bro

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Hitler accuses Allies of landing troops on Omaha Beach.


All out of fucks to give

Trenches don’t work well when you get radiation poisoning.

Does anything work when you get radiation poisoning?

You only see the back of her head while she’s walking with the troops but it seems like it’s the same woman who came out of the smoke to talk to the solders in an video posted a couple of days ago

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RIP helicopter

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