Ukraine, Russia, and the West

A good reddit explaination why you shouldn’t be so gung ho to go to war

Some users have, at times, accused subreddit moderators of enabling “war tourism” by encouraging anyone, regardless of military experience, to travel to Ukraine.

“Imagine you’re playing a multiplayer game for the first time against people who have 1,000 hours in the game, but the first time you die, you’re dead,” someone warned. “You wouldn’t even have the context to understand what’s going on—it would be over before it even happened.”

You have to remember they played 1000’s of hours of Call of Duty and think that counts for something.

My friends back in Kansas City would play video games all year, then I’d try to play with them when I came back to KC for Christmas.

When they were into stuff like Madden, NHL, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, I could get caught up enough to be competitive over the Christmas break - mostly lots of button mashing and picking a character/team I could win with.

But once they got into first-person shooters in battle mode, I’d just die instantly. I’m still trying to figure out how to move or pick a weapon - boom headshot. Every time.

us and uk intel says a major battle for kyiv is still brewing. but the northwest direction is offlimits for russian troops. RU forces are consolidating on the chernihiv flank.


I really don’t care how accurate this guy’s info is, I will never take him Seriously until he Fixes his Random Capitalization problem.



Macho Man alone gets a :heart: from me


A lot of it is just map experience, knowing where people will be and knowing how to get the draw on your opponent aka not showing up where they expect you and having that extra half a second to fire the first accurate shot. I haven’t played a pvp fps in 10 years, but I got pretty good at it back in the day and remember going against actual american army people once in a deathmatch with a bunch of randoms. Their team all had the marines or seals clan name and were on headsets and were operating together using tactics they were trained with and it was a bloodbath. I normally had a 4:1 kill to death ratio and in that game it was about 1:1 for me and 1:10 for my teammates. This was over the course of many rounds and respawns, probably like 50 kills and 50 deaths over the course of an hour or two. I don’t think any of them were very accurate shooters or played that much, they just knew proper team tactics.

I basically ran to a hut once I would spawn and would snipe 0,1, or maybe 2 guys before being overran, I don’t think I got 1 kill once I put my sniper away and switched to a secondary once they got close.

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Well, sounds like the Ukrainians are safe then!

My understanding is that Ukraine isn’t accepting volunteers who don’t already have military training, and I think combat experience as well, so this isn’t really the right warning. A more accurate one would be telling them that they’re probably going to waste a bunch of time and money only to be told thanks, no thanks, please go back home.

Some of the wannabe fighters wound up on behind the lines jobs, though I don’t know if the Foreign Ministry is recruiting for that role. When UA announced the Foreign Legion they were saying military training was preferred but not required.

A report on a hospital in Irpin

When the war came, Dovgopol’s priority was to make each of the three branches of Irpin’s hospital autonomous. All had to be ready to carry out surgeries, deliver babies, and operate around the clock, in case transport lines or communication between them was disrupted.

It didn’t take long for that to happen. Only 24 hours later, food deliveries stopped. Electricity went off the day after, and eventually, so did the water and gas. The hospital secured extra generators and food, and continued operating. Dovgopol appointed members of his staff as supervisors in Irpin and Vorzel, and went to the nearby Bucha – a town that would soon become a hot spot of Russia’s war.

Just five kilometers away from Bucha was Antonov International Airport, which came under shelling and air attacks hours after Russia declared war. Russian forces badly needed the airport to disembark its airborne units close to Kyiv. After one day of heavy fighting, the first wounded Russian soldiers started coming into Dovgopol’s hospital in Bucha.

Two wounded and one dead, the soldiers were from Kemerovo, a Siberian city in Russia. One of them, a former police officer, told Dovgopol that they were supposed to be holding the ground after Kyiv was captured. The soldier was surprised that Ukrainians didn’t meet them as liberators.



Drones on the table.

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there’s an insane unconfirmed story about elite RU GRU speznaz. But full video report is promised by ukrainian MP delegation who visited Kharkiv today. apparently UA and RU special forces companies got into a head-to-head firefight somewhere on the eastern outskirts. several hours later, ua won, russian casualties are 10x that of ukraine. a couple captured.

Anyone heard from Steven Seagal lately?