Ukraine, Russia, and the West
Wow. If I go more than two weeks without booze my liver calls to ask if my throat’s been cut.

I’d be curious to see a further breakdown of that 18-29 segment by political views

Pretty good maps:

It’s not like they’re sympathetic to Russia. Just seems many don’t follow world news so have no opinion.


Yeah its more that young people are tenuously employed and tenuously housed and when you poll them about who they sympathize with they are as likely to gesture angrily at their surroundings as they are to have a strong view about Ukraine.

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Biden committing to releasing 1 million barrels of oil per day from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve for 6 months, or 180 million bbls in total. That’s pretty significant, since the total capacity of the reserve is 714 million bbls, and inventory at the end of January was 588 million bbls. I can’t find the current inventory level, but I imagine it’s somewhat lower now.

Another way to put it in context is to compare it to the total oil consumption of the U.S., which is about 20 million bbls per day.

The average acquisition cost of oil in the reserve is $30 per bbl.

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This is exactly my youngest brother. He had no idea how serious this war is and was annoyed I had given him one more piece of news to be miserable about.

I gotta question how well-“shielded” this vehicle is.

Russian made prob.

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Well tell him to put down his avocado toast and pick up a newspaper, this is serious!


Fuck and the government can sell at $90 and make a big profit. Finders fee of 75% for Trump Co.

*if Trump were still President.

a). “Sympathize”
b). Lots of young Americans and French choose “both”
c). My pony is 18-29

At >65, you lived at least half your life in the bipolar world Putin wants to go back to. At least for Americans, there was no real distinction between the USSR and Russia.

Russo-Japan War, round 2?

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Man what a shitty way to go

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Russia must be giving up on the offensive NW of Kyiv entirely. Normally you wouldn’t be proud of controlling that place, but it’s understandable.