Ukraine, Russia, and the West

will they I thought they need more pressure?

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If true that’s a fucking war crime against their own soldiers.

Chernobyl giving zero fucks

images (22)

Russians are now laying minefields from a distance of up to 15km. The point is not just to kill civilians, but to make farming near impossible:

This should close the “Is Putin a war criminal” question.

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I mean, I could see doing that if, like, I was fleeing Ukraine with my family and going by car was our best shot at making the border, and that road was the best way. Get the wife and kids out and back, MrsWookie guides me over the mines from as far away as she can be but still see, go nice and easy. BUT THAT TRAILER IS STAYING THE FUCK BEHIND NO FUCKING WAY AM I DOING THAT WITH A TRAILER IN TOW.


My instinct would be to throw shit at it from a distance and see if it starts a chain reaction like a room full of mouse traps.


SMH, can’t believe what NATO’s forced Putin to do.


I was wondering why it’s called a mine.

A passage dug toward or underneath enemy lines, which is then packed with explosives.


I’m certain they do, anti personnel mines have been banned and while I don’t think Russia and the US signed that agreement, I think they are generally abiding by it. I think a human could definitely step on it, just unsure if a large one could jump on it

Reminded of a story about Vietnam.

The Australians laid this massive mine field for dubious tactical and strategic reasons.

The vietnamese came in every night and stole the mines one by one by hand, in staggering displays of courage and ingenuity.

Those exact mines were then responsible for a large majority of the deaths of Australian soldiers. (Along with a lot of americans and South Vietnamese)

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Do not jump on it and don’t be unlucky and fat because the minimum pressure of some anti tank mines is around 150kg. Also do not drive over them like those cars did unless you saw someone before you do it as some modern ones have a secondary trigger that will detect a large metal body passing over them.


Could you take a rope or something from a distance and try and drag them to create a lane? What is the blast radius on this things?

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I hate to be critical but in the event that thing goes off, the way he’s holding it away from his body seems unlikely to matter.



When you are missile, against rest of world you destroy helicopter. Against Soviet Russia, helicopter destroys you.


I dont know the posters but they seem more legit than a rando. Who knows

What you see in the video seems to be to slow down tanks so the lanes are intentional to let passenger cars through. You can easily move them when they are like that with a rope or carry them if they are not boobytrapped. It is a shaped charge so no idea how far the shrapnel goes sideways.