Ukraine, Russia, and the West

There are certainly US troops in Poland right now.

Erdogan in a weird spot here as a NATO member and close ally to Putin

How Far Will Putin Go?
  • He hasn’t/won’t invade Ukraine.
  • No further into Ukraine than he’s already gone.
  • He’s taking the regions around Donetsk and Luhansk.
  • All the way. Occupation of Ukraine and installation of puppet government.
  • Other

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If neither side wants to fight WW3, the GTO solution is to escalate so that the other side has to either back down or start WW3.

Write in: More than the two separatist provinces but not all of Ukraine. Maybe like everything east of the Dnieper except for greater Kiev.

Precisely why I think we should drop a bunch of troops in the Baltics, Poland, etc. Put them in a position where Putin has to take the step that initiates WW3, and make Mutually Assured Destruction work to our favor.

Write-in: he’ll go as far as the US/NATO let him. He’s definitely taking all of Donetsk and Luhansk. I think whatever he takes the end game is absorbing them into Russia, not installing puppet governments and letting them be separate. Maybe he installs some sort of regional governors or something and does the same in Belarus, letting Lukashenko stay “in charge” there in exchange for fealty.

Don’t really agree because you can turn Russia into a full-on Cuba/Libya/Iran style pariah state with sanctions before you ever consider starting WW3.

Yeah just go to the brink of WW3. Only a couple of billion dead if we miscalculate no biggie.


This is based on me knowing absolutely nothing of these regions except that they’re in Ukraine and kinda close to Russia.

Not encouraging.

It’s awesome how sanctions turned Iran and Cuba into democracies.

If Ukraine joining NATO is a problem for Putin because he wants a buffer between Russia and NATO, and then what is now Ukraine becomes Russia, won’t Putin then have a problem with Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania because they’ll be NATO countries bordering Russia?

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It‘s almost like it isn‘t about a buffer at all.



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That is an oddly specific yet notably distant date.

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Is Russia just going to copy the Israeli pastrami method for taking Ukraine?