Ukraine, Russia, and the West

If the world somehow could and would completely cut Russia off from the world oil markets (they won’t even if the US wanted to, which they don’t because it isn’t great for their own interests), it would probably increase the chances of a full scale Russian invasion of the Ukraine.

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I mean you actually take Putin at his word. So yeah, there’s really nothing worth discussing.

The main reason the West wants to prevent a war is that it wants to prevent Russia from expanding in ways that are detrimental to Western economic interests.

You continue to display a lack of understanding of the basic underlying situation and actors.

I mean I assumed that armies in countries bordering Russia that are members of NATO would be considered NATO troops? Just to be pedantic.


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Speaking from my own experience, many older Poles are fairly paranoid. My parents think all governments extensively spy on their populations (probably correct suspicion lol). I feel like their generation would assume Poland is next after Ukraine.

Pretty sure this isn’t true.

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Gonna go ahead and so there isn’t a NATO base in Kazakhstan.


Sure, but if your entire point is that Latvia and Estonia exists it undercuts your entire point and exposes the statement of “Nevertheless it’s reasonable for Russia to be unhappy about NATO troops on its border” as trolling . There’s nothing reasonable about Russia being unhappy about the existence of Latvia and Estonia.

There’s also no troop buildup of a neighbor here caused by NATO. I suppose since Belarus is falling back under the curtain Poland is a neighbor, but that’s not on us. Poland would also be a red line for me.



I don’t think he’s stopping until there are NATO troops in his way, either. It just seems to be how he thinks/operates. Up until then, it’s all talk and bullshit.

So I think we should put NATO troops on every NATO border he could threat. NATO is basically giving him a free shot at Ukraine thus far.

C’mon man. At least use a Risk map.

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Apparently shit is happening. Airspace is closed in Eastern Ukraine, reports of comms being down, Russian aircraft in Ukrainian airspace, Zelensky tried to call Putin but he refused to answer, state of emergency declared.

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This isn’t directed just at you. Other people are saying this too and I get why that would be the response if you had to give a single simple explanation but it doesn’t make sense to me that you can list the factors “this is about” in a certain order. It ignores the power of narrative, and money only exists as a story within a story.


Besides the armies of Poland, Romania and the Baltics, Western European and US troops and warplanes are in all of those countries. Last US deployment I heard of was 800 troops and two dozen warplanes to the Baltics.

I can see why Russia must be terrified