Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Clinton isn’t much more reliable unless it’s the accumulation of notches on his marital bed posts and dollars in his bank account.

No, it doesn’t, at least not in regards to Putin’s decision to invade. If Bill Clinton produced a video of the entire summit showing it didn’t happen, nothing would change.

Lol this whole discussion is a joke, the “threat to Russian interests” is the possibility that the Russian people will one day be inspired to remove Putin from power. That is the one and only thing Putin cares about, and why he snuffs out the hope of people desiring freedom across the world, from Syria to the Ukraine. He cannot allow the Russian people to wake up from their deep cynicism or allow them to have hope there is something better out there.

This idea the US has been out to get Russia since the fall of the USSR is farcical. Bush famously claimed he looked into Putin’s soul and found him to be a good man, Obama famously mocked the idea that Russia was a threat, and Trump famously sucked Putin’s cock. Every US President during Putin’s rule has desperately wanted normalized relations with Russia. The West’s only offense to Putin is saying hey, you should have legitimate elections, and failing that, at least allow your neighbors to have fair elections.


This is laughable.

Do you live in a bizzaro world asking Americans this question? Trump got caught lying regularly without losing popularity. And to make it bipartisan, Bill Clinton became more popular after he got caught lying under oath.


Putin is straight up murdering dissidents and you think they won’t tolerate a lie about a summit in 2000 or whatever. Give me a break. Russians have tolerated far worse going back to the Tsars. Shit Americans tolerate worse than that.

Shit Zara, Russians tolerated a literal genocide in Ukraine under the Soviets. Come on.



putin literally lies every time he’s on tv, and once a year he does it in a telethon format, directly to your face.

auto-translated captions are readable for english speakers

No idea why you felt the need to post that.

The West hoped that economic integration with China and Russia would make everyone more prosperous and then magically China and Russia would somehow how become more democratic and less hostile to the West. That has been proven completely wrong, and we should be unwinding that integration ASAP.


Maybe the Democrats should work with the Republicans to give them what they want unilaterally, so that there can be harmony. If that’s not wanted by Democrats, that’s Democrats’ choice.

Absurd. NATO is not invading Russia.

No, he’s too smart for that.

Who do you think is manufacturing and delivering this propaganda, if not Putin?

I don’t think anyone here disputes that, you’re arguing against a strawman.

Imagine a US president being caught absolutely unambiguously in a lie, and how his supporters would feel about it. Maybe, like, I dunno, the previous president?

I think that you wouldn’t tolerate a direct lie, but you are not most people. Just like we are not most Americans lapping up whatever their party’s leadership says. However, you’re actually lapping up a bunch of lies from Putin that you just don’t realize are lies.

In case Clinton said something on the subject obviously.

They can tell us to fuck off whenever they want. China’s goal was/is to catch up this the West in technology and THEN tell us to fuck off.

Russia, I think, but am less sure about, wanted the expertise of Western oil companies to efficiently extract their oil. Maybe they no longer need them now, I don’t know.

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Nevertheless it’s reasonable for Russia to be unhappy about NATO troops on its border.

Can you tell me where these “nato troops” are on Russia’s border? Please be specific.

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Clinton says A, Putin says not-A, then there is still a good chance both are lying. Doesn‘t change the fact that whatever Putin says should never be taken at face value.

Basically the Democrats platform at this point.


This is ludicrous

The west not cutting off all oil/gas from Russia doesn’t prove that they only care about money and not about stopping war.

No, it’s not. The west has done nothing but try to stop war so far. Them not going to whatever arbitrary definition you make up does not prove your point.