Ukraine, Russia, and the West


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Biden being his usual gaffebag self is exactly why I thought it was a bit premature to say he was doing everything right and the best person for the job.

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Kinda like Biden making Putin feel paranoid about possible regime change.

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He is already extremely paranoid about that. Probably not a fire we should throw more gas on.

I don’t think it really increases the threat of nuclear war.

There are plenty of non-nuclear scenarios worse than the current situation.

I’m rooting for Ukraine to go on the offensive, retake all of Donbas, then start pushing into Crimea.

I’m fine with Biden’s gaffe, whether it was intentional or not. Fuck Putin. He should be removed from power. There’s nothing wrong with that statement. We’re not making regime change a policy, which is what matters.


Take him seriously, not literally!

It’s curious how many of Biden’s “gaffes” are him being correct about things.


Yeah I don’t see how this makes anything worse

Aren’t you paying attention, now everything bad that Putin does from here on will be Biden’s fault for provoking him. I am very smart.


US government wishes Russia’s government would go in a different direction. News at 11.

Come on…

I’m glad you folks think this was nbd, but the White House apparently felt otherwise and tried to walk it back.

Biden shouldn’t have said that but Putin already knows he’s in a fight for his life. Right now it looks like he’s adjusting his grip on Ukraine rather than preparing to let go. Hearing this, maybe he thinks a little harder about a quick way out. As long as Biden doesn’t repeat it or move to saying Putin is as dead as fuckin’ fried chicken, it’s not terrible.

As if the WH wouldn’t walk back an inconsequential bit of puffery?

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I think Russia can do massive air bombing if they felt they’d lose Donbas.

Idk, remember when he ‘gaffed’ gay marriage then it happened? Seems like this is his go-to move for test marketing policy.

That’s exactly what I’m thinking of.

Biden: Hey, gay people should be able to get married.


Dems: Uh, yeah, actually maybe we are down with gay marriage now.