Ukraine, Russia, and the West

as we all know jen psaki is omniscient, the fact that they’re walking it back doesn’t mean shit


Really iron?

Sorry guys, Putin’s general didn’t have a ‘heart attack’ or at least he’s not dead.

No, not really

Guys, I’m just gonna say it: I don’t want Putin to be in power anymore either.

WHEW that felt good to get off my chest. Sorry, not sorry.


Biden isn’t allowed to say something that might upset right wingers who support Putin.

Aaron Maté






. Writing: Temp. co-host:


A website called The Grayzone has made a name for itself by denying China’s campaign of cultural and demographic genocide in Xinjiang.

Why it matters: Chinese government officials and state media outlets are citing The Grayzone and its contributors with growing frequency as Beijing attempts to cast doubt on accusations of atrocities in its far Northwest region.

Details: American Max Blumenthal founded The Grayzone in 2015 and serves as its editor, describing his website as an independent news outlet. Blumenthal also frequently appears as a commentator on Russian state-affiliated news outlets including RT and Sputnik.

  • Grayzone drew the attention of Chinese diplomats and state media in December 2019, when it published a lengthy article attempting to discredit Adrian Zenz, a researcher whose work has helped uncover the existence and scale of mass internment camps in Xinjiang.

The Greyzone is one of those sites that’s anti-anti-anti-American, where they they’re not directly some government paid stooge, they come up with the stuff on their own, but often just shades into tankie-ism and anti-American useful idiot in the literal sense of the term, and not in the ironic sense they mean it. Max Blumenthal was someone I thought I could listen to, but then his big push was to say that Russian chemical attacks in Syrian were all false flag attacks by the Syrian opposition to gas themselves and then blame Russia. Sounds pretty familiar with the Russian line on the Ukrainians somehow bombing themselves and then blaming Russia’s careful operation.

I think it gives the Russians a legit soundbite they can play when Russian news makes the pro-war case. Basically, it’s a nifty prop for the propaganda machine.


Julia watches Russian state TV all day. No idea how she stays sane.

The soundbite will likely be attacked by FOX as well. I can picture Tucker Carlson saying something like “Does Biden want regime change or not? I can’t tell. He said Putin couldn’t be allowed to stay in power, then the White House says something totally different. Biden went off script and he doesn’t know what he’s saying” and blah blah blah.

Russian airpower has been pretty minimal thus far… is there any reason to think they’re holding it in reserve?

The Russian Air Force has been working pretty regularly in Donbas, where there are fewer SAMs. The majority of cruise missiles are also launched by bombers.

Yeah but it’s already accepted fact on the right that Biden is a doddering fool who doesn’t know where he is or what year it is most of the time, so what difference does it make in that regard?

Apropos of nothing, I got a 1 month ban from Hasan Abi’s twitch channel yesterday for commenting that if I wanted to hear Russian propaganda I could just watch Tucker Carlson. He was ranting about the Azov battalion and how not every Ukrainian is an angle, etc. Tbf, he has denounced Putin and raised money for Ukraine, but it seems that to him it’s really, really important to know that America does bad things and not everything is black and white. I had made some other sarcastic comments as well regarding his rants, like that I didn’t know that Glenn Greenwald had a twitch channel. I only view his channel like one a month, so I’ll pull through.

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It’s obvious that this random comment of Biden’s isn’t actually going to do any damage but equally obvious that saying escalatory things which you have no intention of backing up with action is dumb.

It also might be that playing that clip makes Biden look stronger than they want to portray. These guys only respect one thing - strength.

Yes they can play the walkback. But they’d have to discuss the Biden clip first.

Also Biden didn’t say “I want to destroy the evil Russian empire and end their way of life.” He only said Putin shouldn’t be in power. That might not be a conversation they want to spend too much time on on Russian state TV.

Sort of like how Trump basically ignored Mitt Romney every time Mitt went after him directly. It wasn’t the conversation he wanted to have.

I 'm drunk for the first time in like 20 days.

Gonna go to the local strip joint. Hopefully, one of them is Ukrainian, so I can help the cause.
