Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Netflix put their documentary about Euromaiden on Youtube

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Biden opens with Pope John Paul II; smart move.

“Ruble reduced to rubble”


sick burn, too

Well, they used to. There’s reportedly been a noticeable shift in opinions in the southeast of Ukraine.

Ok I wasn’t clear. There is or was

(1) An area of the Donbas held by pro-Russian separatists but not technically occupied by Russian military until after Feb 25.
(2) An area of the Donbas held by Ukrainian forces prior to Feb 25.
(3) A portion of (2) that is now occupied by Russian military.

Which of these currently support the Russian presence and actions? I thought it was only (1) and that (1) is where they are doing this rounding up of men to throw into a meat grinder. Are you saying (1) no longer supports Russia and that this is due to their actions since Feb 25?

Oh I have no idea. I’ve simply been given the impression there has been some realignments of previously pro-Russian positions. How much, how deeply, and in which areas, I don’t know.

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Presumably the Russian-speaking separatist regions were the most pro-Russia before the war. But it doesn’t mean everyone was. Areas are not homogenous as to which side they support.

And it’s been reported that general attitude towards Russia by Russian-speaking Ukrainians has galvanized solidly against Russia since the start of the war. So initial leanings might have changed.

The men they’re rounding up now might have been more pro-Ukraine or at least ambivalent, since they never joined the resistance to begin with. Ergo, getting them killed is actually a net positive for Putin. Much easier than shipping them off to the far east to work.



Crystal clear messaging


I know. Was shocked to see that line on CNN because you know WW3 and all that

This isn’t necessarily true. The eastern parts that Russia now holds were some of Zelenskyy’s strongest constituencies in the 2019 election (his opponent being much more pro-Russia):

It may be that the local population there didn’t feel empowered to fight back since their military wasn’t coming to help them, and now arms aren’t getting through the Russian front.

I watched the speech live, and it seems to me that he might have ad-libbed that line at the end.

Sweet Fucking Christ.

it is incorrect to consider poroshenko pro-russian. he was elected and had to immediately deal with separatists in donbass, rebuild the military, train them with western instructors. zelensky’s current military advisor considered poroshenko a changed man who poured a billion of his own money into defenses.

zelensky wasn’t considered anti-russian either. it wasn’t clear which way he would be leaning, and his rhetoric was notably measured.

reminds me of Obama’s red line comment about syria.

“For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power”. Not long after, White House walks it back and says he didn’t mean he was advocating regime change. Hopefully, Biden will clarify things further by saying “You must remember I’m just a doddering old coot who shoots from the hip and talks out his ass from time to time, no harm intended.”


not sure if serious or an elite troll\_MJMoody_/status/1507711435723493380


I see, but that’s way over the line of what they could call conscription and well into kidnapping and murder territory.