Ukraine, Russia, and the West

It was effective. The Soviets took 10x the casualties of the other European allies combined, but they defeated the majority of the Wehrmacht.


It’s effective at reducing the population of the Donbas so Russians can be moved in.

Is there really good reason to believe that strategy was the reason for their success? And that an alternative wouldn’t have been close in effectiveness?

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But the population in the area Russia occupies already favors Russia. It’s not like Russia is short of land. I mean in Donbas.

Not all of them. And they’re ethnic Ukrainians. Russia’s MO has always been to move the locals to some far flung outpost and move in as many Russians as possible. Then eventually the area becomes “Russian”. China same. See Inner Mongolia.

US probably same with SW states, except we just marginalized the Chicanos, instead of moving them out to other areas.

It also is unknown how much of Donbas really wants to separate and how much the whole thing has just been Russian troops masquerading as separatists the whole time.

This guy must be the token sober non-nutjob on the show. Also you can tell it’s not the main show that seems to get all the press. It’s probably like the 2am Saturday version or something. But still. Nice it’s something to hear someone on state TV acknowledge Ukraine actually doesn’t want to be liberated by Russia.

Best thread I’ve read yet on Russia’s evolving strategy in this war.

Some highlights:



I was taught that in WW1 they sometimes had three guys share a rifle when they went over the top

It’s not the most militarily effective approach, but it’s distinctively Russian:

All lives matter (except for Russian lives).

They were no angels! Many of them would have died of something else anyway! Don’t be tricked by deceptive Globalists, most of these Russians died with war, but not necessarily from war!


Feels like we’re playing six degrees of Kevin Bacon now.

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I’m not the best at reading charts but that can’t be right. 0.1% implies France has been in at least 1000 inter-state wars? That’s a lot.

Eta I guess they didn’t necessarily participate. So 1000 total inter-state wars is a lot but we war a lot.

I would bet the axis is mislabeled and it’s proportion of wars (I.e., France is .1 = 10%)

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Ha, hopefully.

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