Ukraine, Russia, and the West

It seems like that’s going to significantly reduce the odds of a global nuclear war, so that’s good.

5 carrier battle groups is a lot, that represents almost half of the US fleet, or the combined navys of Western Europe. I suppose it’s possible if you focus on the Med instead of the Persian Gulf.

Man, it looks like the Enterprise is on the way too.

I don’t think I’ve ever used this phrase before, but this is not a good look.

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Just gotta take their Rad-X and RadAway and they’ll be fine!


There was a long story article about the second bomb posted here a year or two ago that was a very good read. Can’t remember the source but could find it. Most of what I remember is that the US communications were awful around the time.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1507250703483424768|twgr^|twcon^s1_&
This is why I will absolutely fight tooth-and-claw to preserve my ill-gotten billions.

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It‘s not cleat how many of the captured tanks are operational.



No one you’d rather have in office?
I take Bernie in a heartbeat.



NATO troop counts

Someone I know has been sharing almost daily updates from his friend, a young women who lives in Kyiv and has stayed there throughout the war. She’s been detailing the horrors of life under attack, the pain of helping her sister flee while she decided to stay, and the juxtapositions of life before the invasion and her current reality. All of her updates have been heartbreaking, but this one is really, really sad. Propaganda effective.

TLDR her parents live in Crimea and are fully gone thanks to 8 years of Russian propaganda. Sounds eerily familiar to stories of Americans losing their parents to Fox brain.

Hi Bill, hope your trip is going well.
Today I want to speak about very painful story for me.
It’s about my parents.
May be it will be difficult to explain how everything is going on so everybody will understand and feel it, because I know that each person have different relationship with their parents. So in this topic it is really hard to understand each other and understand pain or the issue.
I always had a great relationship with my parents. My mom is strict, uncompromising, but did everything she could to give me a good education, raise me as an independent woman and no matter what, she love me. My dad is very kind, loving and protective, always doing everything for his kids to make them happy.
All what they did in their live were for us, for their daughters (it’s 5 of us in general). My mother was a housewife, and father worked really hard all his life to give proper education to all his daughters (and he did it well).
I never remember my parents did not support me. They always wanted best for me, they tried to understand me in the moments when I behave childish, they tried to protect me when I behave stupid, they always empathize when I felt bad and happily celebrated all my successes.
I love them, they are great teachers and parents, they did invest in me a lot and in the end I am who I am. I love them very much.
If someone missed it, they live in Crimea. The part of Ukraine that was taken by russia in 2014. They are old, and they never were to much against it, just because they have no power or potential to go on the streets and protest against something. They just continue to live in their house adjusting to a new rules and new reality.
When russia started the war here, in Ukraine, exactly 1 months ago, they didn’t believe me (us, at that moment I were here with my sister). In the morning father called me as in the regular call, asking how am I doing. He was calm and confident. Me, with the shaken voice and almost crying tried to explain what is going on, that russia start bombing us. He said: “yes, I know. Nothing horrible, it’s just a military operation, putin announced it in the news. They will just destroy some military objects there, you don’t have to worry about it”.
… I was shocked and tried to explain that it is not like that. It’s a lot more complicated and could be came a real war, it’s dangerous and serious. But at the same moment I knew that they have only access to the russian social media. They can not see what is going on in the rest of the world. So I just skip the attempts to explain something at that moment, because I had to pack my stuff and run away from my home to safety.
Later on, few days in a row my parents called me and speak with me the same way, like nothing is going on. It was like they didn’t hear my words, that a real war is here, that I’m scared, that I don’t know what to do, that I didn’t sleep or didn’t eat few days. They thought that I’m joking or exaggerate. All my cries and pleading to hear me, to try to see the reality were failing every time. When I was telling them that I’m sleeping in a subway, that I’m hearing the missiles and jet plains above my head, that people are killed, that russians are killing and destroying everything here, my parents just listened this with no reaction. Not no reaction from shock, just no reaction. I did not understand how can this be. With me, with my loving and carring parents.
All the talks finished like: ok, dear, take care, be safe. We’ll call tomorrow”. Just like any other day. Like nothing is going on.
Unfortunately, my parents are zombies now. I’m crying, taping this words.
Russian propaganda made a zombies from my loving, carring, selfless parents.
Parents, who do not believe their own children, who refuse to support their kind, who are under the fire of russian army now.
Yesterday I made one more attempt to bring the reality to them. My father shouted on me. He called me nazi, Ukrainian nazi with washed brain, who blame his leader putin in the action he never did. He called my a liar, who spread the shameless lies about his great government who just trying to protect russian speaking people in Ukraine and he thinks that is right. He called me a stupid girl and gave me an advice to shut my mouth and realize that it is our Ukrainian government who destroy its own cities and people.
All this words you can see in russian news. They broadcast it every hour, from day to day.
And I spoke yesterday to my friends who live in other countries but have relatives in russia or Crimea. I spoke with 5 of them. And all of them are telling the same story. They lost their loved ones because of dirty russian lies.
I want the whole world to know, that putin destroys families not only physically, by killing people, but from the inside. He is in every russian home, speaking his dirty lies from the tv box, cutting people out of reality, making them his own zombies.
That is not fascism. That is worst.
Don’t ask me how I feel.
I still love my parents, that will never change. But I lost them
~ Anastasiya


A post was merged into an existing topic: Debating the necessity of nuking Japan


Who is this clown?

Another 2 months of this and they’ll surpass the US total in 10 years of Vietnam War.

Russia not even getting good music out of it. Just weird fascist mob dances.