Ukraine, Russia, and the West

There’s no way you would see a general response across Ukraine from single use of a WMD. It would be a “tit for tat” limited response against a single target, probably something along the lines of destroying a Russian warship, perhaps with a tac nuke if that’s what Putin used, or with conventional weapons if he used chemical weapons or something. Full on NATO engagement in Ukraine is WW3 and I think will not happen short of the use of strategic nukes, or maybe repeated use of WMD despite limited NATO retaliation.

Fortunately at the moment I don’t think we’re likely to find out, since it’s unclear how the use of WMD would much assist Russian forces with the problems they’re experiencing. I mean they’re already able to shell cities to rubble, that isn’t the problem.

Nukes got Japan to surrender when fire-bombing Tokyo didn’t.

Let’s hope the existential threat stuff is mostly rhetoric, and Putin doesn’t really see losing Ukraine as basically losing Russia.

I’d still take any of those as I’m sure the response wouldn’t be significantly different. We basically just needed someone averse to escalating into WW3. Obviously we don’t have all the details but it seems like the high level strategy we’re using was the only reasonable response (send equipment and support, no troops).

Warren, Bernie and Pete probably would have deferred to the generals, like Obama mostly seemed to.

Biden has been around long enough to live through multiple catastrophic military adventures that resulted from listening to the generals.

It’s possible they would have done similar things, but Biden has legit handled this whole thing perfectly and it’s also quite possible that they wouldn’t have handled it as well.

39 posts were split to a new topic: Debating the necessity of nuking Japan

It was very fortunate for President Kennedy to have the Bay of Pigs fiasco before the Cuban Missile Crisis. It basically undermined his faith in the credibility of the military, and made Kennedy make much more cautious decisions wrt Cuba when the generals wanted to gogogo

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Seems awfully premature to say Biden is handling things perfectly. We have no idea what stage things are at and every possible ending is still on the table.

Also, Biden isn’t king of NATO.


I’m just saying there’s no one I’d rather have in office right now.

This is when the village Chief calls a council of the wise elders who have seen everything.

Biden is doing the right thing by not acting like he’s the king of NATO, which sounds like the Trumpist position on what a president should do.

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It is surprising to many that Ukraine still has the ability to hit ships and has aircraft flying. This is both a credit to Ukrainian command to use and protect these assets in a smart way but also Russia being a lot worse military than expected.

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Well, yeah, he didn’t wave a magic wand and instantly end the war.

But given the possibilities, it’s hard to imagine a US President playing this hand better up to this point.

A story I want to believe

This is probably the most important background article I’ve read on the war, published Feb 2.

Didn’t realize Putin was best buds with the pro Russian opposition leader zalinsky had arrested and assets seized in 2021. Z has some fucking balls. He did what should have been done to Murdoc 20 years ago. Basically, ze was poking Putin with a stick, as he should have, and Putin doesn’t like being pushed back on.


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