Ukraine, Russia, and the West

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The resumption of trading is unlikely to be interpreted as a sign that all is well with the Russian economy. To prevent a steep selloff, Russia’s central bank banned short selling, where investors bet that a stock’s value will decline, and blocked foreigners, who make up a huge chunk of the market, from selling their shares. The Kremlin also directed a Russian sovereign-wealth fund to buy around $10 billion in shares.


His arm moved, proving it wasn’t just a picture of the defence minister returned to television to dispel rumours about his demise.

And then, just as quickly, he was gone again.

Still surprised I haven’t read anything in depth about the resupply process. I know countries have pledged to offer aid, but how does it flow into Ukraine, how does Ukraine secure it, how fast does it to where it needs to go, is actually helpful, is there a danger of not being able to resupply fast enough, is it a race to resupply between Russia and the West or is it not? etc.



Not in depth but Russia doesn’t seem to be doing much to prevent supplies going into Ukraine from the West and similarly little to supply their own troops.

Oh, wait. Arm movement insufficient proof of life.

Today’s Fresh Air.

An issue I have with Ukraine coverage, though no one is at fault, is that it’s relatively easy to show refugees and bombed out buildings and diplomatic talks, but it’s a lot harder to cover logistics and battle zones. I think this is inherent with war coverage, and it’s also hard to get good info on Russian elites, but it’s the sort of stuff that’s most compelling to me.

It’s hard to form solid conclusions when 80% of the coverage is focused on the 20% of events that are most visible.


Suspicions were first raised when a keen-eyed observer noted that Mir. Shoigu appeared to have a large caliber handgun pressed against his temple as he spoke.


Yeah I’ve been thinking this too. If at some point he knows he’s going to lose, attacking NATO might be his best bet. That way he can say NATO did this, rally his country even more, and maybe even convince his leadership to use tactical nukes.

Nothing too surprising in here. A lot of people are retweeting this guy so I assume he’s legit.

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Lol sure but nato air power will straight up end his military in a week or two.

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If Putin wants to use tactical nukes but the generals refuse, getting NATO to attack might get him where he wants to go.

Then again if that’s what he wants, why can’t he just keep firing people until someone says yes? Scary.

I really don’t like Joe Biden but he’s doing a good job on this. Obviously choosing the least bad options gets you nothing politically but he is making good decisions.


Biden is the best president I can imagine for this situation.

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And thus we should all be glad he got elected and not Warren, Bernie, Pete, or whomever as this is probably more important than all of that other stuff combined

An internet tale as old as time