Ukraine, Russia, and the West

World would be a better place if all exchanges banned short sales imo.


Tweet is nonsense. The guy is saying that if NATO sends troops into Ukraine Russia will respond with nukes and those invasions. So if NATO declares war on Russia, then Russia will respond with, you know, war. I buy the nukes for sure, and they might try to make Kalingrad contiguous with the rest of Russia with invasions of Poland and the Baltics. Doesn’t really matter as it would probably quickly degenerate to general nuclear war, so who cares.

Seems like this was semi common in second Iraq war, when a lot of American soldiers didn’t have body armor. I may be misremembering that. 700 billion ain’t what it used to be.

While the first few days were surprising, that the invasion is where it is at now is shocking to me. Just never would have expected it to drag so poorly for Russia. I am happy they have met such resistance.

Every single war Russia has fought in “self defense” since 1946 seems to have been fought outside of its own territory.


This is an interesting thread that I hope the NYT team answers, just because I’m curious

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Why? Without short sales the only way to profit is with rising stock prices. No one has any interest in publishing bad news.



Talk to me when the USA invades Canada or Mexico.

We definitely invaded Mexico.

What now?

We invaded Mexico and took Texas.

I disagree on banning them, but there are laws against pumping and dumping and no laws against shorting a stock, trashing it with fake news and then buying it back. That part needs to change.

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Oh. My US history sucks. Ok, I mean, like in the last century then.

You also invaded Canada too several times. You committed several minor atrocities on the Acadians throughout history who were a pacifist group and never had a military or fought back.

This isn’t true. The same market manipulation rules apply to pumping a stock and trying to get it to go down.

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Not going to lie. That’s pretty good.

Spoken like a man with literally no understanding of finance.

Uh, there are absolutely laws against that lol