Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Gosoboronzaraz is referring to a government agency, literally state defense procurement.

this is definitely a taunt. there’s literally zero chance a highly secretive trophy was captured today. they could have captured it a week ago, transported it to safety, started talking with nato/pentagon about it, and only then put that online.

Probably so.

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No bad ideas detected.


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If the smoke is black, it means they haven’t chosen a new Pope of Russia yet


One of the comments on the tweet says photo is a week old. That’s a pretty BFD is it’s the latest in Russian countermeasures.

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They did this in San Francisco before being expelled from there.

Russian chess champion after being suspended internationally for six months


as a badge of honor is one thing morons all across the world can agree on


Well put.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1506334921291407361|twgr^|twcon^s1_&

Anonymous not destroying the previous admin and all the associated actors was a major letdown.

Checking in on Russia’s version of The View… oh…

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Looks like Putin has turned Russia into Jonestown.

Shit. Guess being forced out of Europe is a real possibility in the future.

What are you hoping to happen here? I mean, obviously, I’m sure, for the war to end, but is there an off-ramp you see for Putin and Russia? How is Russia going to reconstitute itself?

It’s a very hard question, to be fair. We are always trying to make these comparisons with the late nineteen-eighties, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, and then we got perestroika and all of that. So maybe is it possible to repeat the same thing? I was fifteen years old, but still I remember that back then there was this cheerful mood that people were good, and it was just the system that was bad. So back then maybe I was naïve, maybe my parents were naïve and my friends were naïve, but we had this idea that it was only because of the Communist Party and the K.G.B., and if you could get rid of them everything was going to be fine. People are good. Even the people, say, in the military and in the security services. They were just pressured to be bad and to serve the system.

These days, unfortunately, we don’t have this excuse. We do have lots of people who support the war, unfortunately. Yes, I understand that it’s about propaganda, and it’s about fear, and people are really fearful. They understand what is at stake, and these select repressions were quite successful at freezing society. But, nonetheless, there’s so many people who support the war, and, to be honest, I just don’t know the answer. I don’t know how to get them back as humans.

You are talking about average citizens and people within the state itself who believe in the war in a way that they did in the Soviet system?

You have ordinary people, and people in the security services, and people in the military, and they are supportive of this war. And I don’t quite understand how we can humanize them back. I just don’t see a way. That’s my problem.

And not just the war, but you see them as supportive of Putin and Putinism in some way, too?

Well, yeah. The war is a function of Putinism because it’s so aggressive. Putin is famous for having no sympathy, actually. So, if I remember what struck me when I was with Novaya Gazeta in 2006, when Anna Politkovskaya was killed and some journalists finally asked Putin this question, like, “You had a journalist killed in your country.” And he was absolutely horrible, because he expressed no sympathy at all. Like, “Well, yeah. Blah, blah, blah.” He said that she was absolutely insignificant, and you think, Wow, you can’t find some words to express sympathy. Just maybe you feel sorry. And I think that’s what we have here with Ukraine. It’s just a manifestation of his complete lack of sympathy for other people.

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Excited to see this game of telephone come to its conclusion with Marjorie Taylor Greene tweeting that Russia is going to nuke Europe tomorrow, and it will be Europe’s fault.

Invade Poland? With what army?