Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Only the bond markets I think

And just the market for Russia government bonds, last I saw.



True, much better to be shot in the back and thrown in a ditch than stay in prison!

They have a very attractive yield!

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Imaging this said with a Russian accent is key.

Yeah, but okay. Is attractive yield.


Economy bad. Sanctions, it’s problem.

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it’s very NOT BONKS

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This guy is pretty active on Twitter.

Russia: Allo?
US: Just checking.

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Hope they’re at least being creative…

Russia: Allo?
US: Yes did you order a large pizza?
Russia: What?
US: That’ll be 2,110 rubles. No, wait, 2,227 rubles. Wait, no…


yeah i’m not super supportive on this report.

earlier in the conflict news of surrounded russian units were rather quickly retracted, because situations like this are quite fluid. forward assault company secures a town, somewhere in the back ukrainian ambush takes out the fuel truck 20km behind, you could say the front is surrounded, especially if they don’t have enough fuel. or not if some subsequent trucks make it, because VSU isn’t too concerned about taking back territory like that.

in this case, it might be pieces of the denazification convoy that tried to disperse or assemble around Irpin’. but the area they describe is pretty large. it’s not clear VSU would have enough available troops to truly surround them.

What was the main vulnerability of the outgoing Russia ? In its dependence on the outside world, in the mental slavery of a considerable part of our “elite”? No, it was only a derivative of the internal weakness of our way of life - transitional and temporary, but which suited very many in the “elite”. Post-Soviet state capitalism carried the original sin of the thieves’ privatization of state property, when the nouveau riche and temporary workers decided that from now on they are the power and masters of life here. Their ideological dependence on the West, their mental slavery to advanced Western civilization was only the result of contempt for their own people - people who can be deceived and robbed. Because they are rednecks, stupid and backward people, not like the cunning and smart people who became successful in the 90s.

This whole article is some grade A argle-bargle.

I’ve seen it in a few places now.

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I meant to mention that someone figured out that satellites meant to detect wildfires can also detect burning buildings and vehicles


I think the banner on the truck says “The 2013 Ministry of Defence order has been fulfilled in full”, although I am not sure about the first word. In any case, seems like a taunt.