Ukraine, Russia, and the West

No continuous trench line, but the Russians are preparing fortifications for static defense. Falling way back means leaving Ukraine entirely. They will be able to repair rail connections that the Ukrainians tore up before the war.

No, the rail lines aren’t in Switchblade range. Using Bayraktars isn’t great either, the damage they can do can be repaired in a day. If you’re sending special forces behind the lines, which the Ukrainians have, you’re better off just using explosives to blow up bridges.

They can’t protect their supply lines with static positions though. The Russian position generally seems hopeless to me, but entrenching in a bunch of places seems like a way to lose even faster.

It’s not. The Russians have held the Donbas for 7 years that way. Trenches are effective against an enemy that doesn’t have heavy weapons. So far, Ukraine isn’t getting tanks and artillery from the West.

63 posts were merged into an existing topic: Ukraine LC Debates and Arguements

donbas had a coherent line of defense. They have these spurs into ukraine in a lot of places, the north especially, not solid lines.

Maybe not from the West, but they seem to be picking up quite a few from the Russians.


Moved the recent debate to Ukraine LC thread. Let’s try to keep this one focused on news and the other arguments in the LC thread (or WWIII thread if that is the appropriate one).


well they seem to be getting tanks from russia


Inject it into my veins.

Welp, we’ll check back with this in three days.

I’ve seen this posted a bunch of times, all of them saying it’s a big deal. Which I guess means not that easy to fix.

Interesting/depressing thread on how the nuts and bolts of completely perverting the law works in Russia.

Maybe we can send a squadron of lawbros over to explain to them how to file HUGE motions in court that are GAMECHANGERS.

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You can tell a lot about a country by their criminal justice system. I think Russia imprisons like the second most people per capita in the world, pretty horrific.


I see what you did there.

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Perhaps (although it’s not really clear what the state of Ukrainian equipment is right now, at least to me). But if they can’t get supplies through, then it’s game over. And I don’t see how they can hope to control the territory their supplies need to pass over.


Probably ain’t getting out alive though

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Did the Russian markets ever open back up?