Ukraine, Russia, and the West

I don’t think it’s very sensible that if Poland sends troops in to help defend Ukraine, Russia will nuke Warsaw. That’s an absurd escalation.

The real answer probably has to do with pageviews and stickiness and A/B group testing of different color schemes.

Yes. It even has the same style of catchy name.

Best reply


i work with a guy who participated in fundraising for soviet immigrants circa-80s. as someone who immigrated in the 90s i got to thank him in person.

i now know people personally who are receiving the humanitarian aid in ukraine.


Fleeing the tyranny of mask mandates for the freedom of Belarus.

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Jesus. These people are fucking insane. He probably has no idea that about 99% of the people in his new country would rather live in his old country.


Actually, joke’s on you, you’ll be surprised to learn that USA is worse!



Over the last 10 years, she has insisted that Putin will save us all and that [jailed Russian opposition leader] Alexey Navalny and all these liberals are all agents of the West and that they’re all working to destroy our country from within. My mom used to be quite aggressive when she was younger. My older brother wasn’t very obedient but I was this calm, passive little boy, which I think was perfect for my mom. And when I got older, she would get very upset; she might yell or say something very harsh or cancel our plans if, for example, I didn’t go vote for Putin. I think she very genuinely began to despise me. She thought I was stupid and didn’t understand history or politics, and that I’m being led astray by some shadowy pro-Western people who are fooling me. Because mother is smarter, mother knows best. Of course, she was never interested in my opinion or if I even had one.

When they had this referendum on changing the constitution [to allow Putin to be president until 2036], she would write me these long messages out of nowhere. She wrote, I strongly suggest that you go vote so that you won’t be filled with painful regret later. And, Go vote for the constitutional changes because this is a vote for Russian sovereignty, and a vote against it is a vote for destroying the country. I will go to my grave with a clear conscience, but you’ll have to live with this, etc. And I said, Mom, the new constitution has already been printed out and is sitting on the shelf, ready to go, calm down. It doesn’t matter if I vote for the changes or not, they’ll still make them. She will always say, I am trying to help you, but you listen to anyone and everyone, but not your own mother.

It was in December 2015. First of all, I was really tired. Second of all, I was really disillusioned. But again, I was 22 or 23. I didn’t realize that the problem was so serious. It wasn’t such a burning issue then. Now, I can see that the propaganda machine is so merciless with the truth, so merciless with people, that it really does zombify people and convinces them that Putin is doing everything right. But the whole time I worked there, I couldn’t understand, why are we only talking about Ukraine? Why do we hear about Ukraine and America every single day? And if you’re going to ask me now how I was able to do it, I wouldn’t even know how to answer you. I went there to find some answers, and I didn’t find them. And then the questions kind of went away.

The FoxNews strategy - just keep pulverising it into people’s brains.

At first, she wrote that, When they pass the law making it illegal to post fakes about the special operation in Ukraine, I’ll be the first to turn you in. Then, when I decided to leave the country on February 27, I sent her some money, and just as I was starting to write to her to tell her I was leaving the country, she wrote to say , I do not communicate with Russophobes and traitors to the Motherland . And sent the money back.

Crazy shit

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I understand how it works - I just don’t agree with it. The End.

it’s actually the other way around. foxnews has been adopting the channel1/rossiya24 strategy. russian state tv is much more extreme. but fact remains, it is the same.

what’s a little surprising is that society polarization in US happened a lot earlier and over a longer period of time. in russia, polarization came after 15 years of hearing nothing but propaganda, and seemed to precipitate in less than 2 weeks.

After googling it appears the Canadian market specifically lacks those laws and as a result has been targeted more than other markets.

Edit: short and distort laws.

In MAGA Belarus, criminals exile themselves.


Crazy story. His family is wealthy. His father was a refugee, chased out of his home country by… Russian soldiers.

According to one of his LinkedIn profiles, Neumann participated in the Ukrainian Orange Revolution. An orange scarf, a memento from those massive, pro-Democracy protests in 2004 and 2005, was draped around his neck at the U.S. Capitol riot, clashing both aesthetically and ideologically with his red MAGA ball cap.

Discussing his future with the reporter, Neumann said, “I’m an American, and I would like to go back to America, if I’m allowed.

“I also like Belarus. The country is very clean and orderly.”

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I’m sure he’s allowed to go back to America, the feds will even give him free room and board for 3 to 5 years to help him get back up on his feet.

Maybe he meant allowed by Belarus.

Why would they stop him? And on what grounds?

Pretty sure if you self-exile from a country, you can return any time you like. Most people just choose not to, probably something to do with the reasons they chose to self-exile in the first place.

Not dissimilar to taking a self-ban here, except the not going back part I guess.

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I was joking but it is a dictatorship so because he might be useful to generate propaganda and on the grounds of “or else”. I thought some of the quotes in the story sounded a little off, as though he’s saying what he thinks he’s expected to say or they were translated from English to Russian to English.

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Dude is definitely gambling on a trump2 pardon.