Ukraine, Russia, and the West

I said some optimistic things about china earlier in this thread but have since been reading and youtubing more about life under Xi. Things have gotten worse, with the state trying to exercise a good deal more control over life and the economy and limiting foreign influence. I think China has a lot going for it, but exerting more and more control over society is a bad idea for China’s continued development.

tech transfer plus large population plus hard working workforce plus high investment in infrastructure and people capital seems to a pretty good economic cheat code that isnt going to run out for a while yet.

The party (possibly rightly) thinks that the only risk to the gravy train is political instability.

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I think it’s one of these:

I would guess they don’t have an infinite supply of them, so this is probably, at least in part, a flex of some kind.

Most modern wars seem to involve militaries testing out their newest gizmos in a real-world environment.

edit: fake news, apparently

No, I think the guy that Devil linked to is an idiot.

25k is a lot of updoots.

Would have expected a bigger boom for a weapons depot.

Oh yeah that’s it.

I’d avoid siding with the fans known for making monkey sounds at black players with a list of horrible actions by the west like Iraq - 1991 and Kosovo. But that’s just me

It’s for the Russian public, not Americans. They want to show how, akshually, the West is attacking Russia, and Russians are killing them.

CCP has been diligently reading Mearsheimer!

i’m somewhat surprised china is playing both sides still. earlier in the conflict it was understandable.

Maybe it’s in their interest to have Russia weakened by continuing to fight a war it can’t win.

It does look like an array of earth-covered bunkers but maybe they hit an empty one. Bunkers are divided into smaller compartments that are isolated from each other so if the contents of one of them explodes, the nearby ones don’t automatically follow. There are also limits on what and how much is placed in each compartment and what can be placed next to what to minimize potential damage.

Unverified inflight video

Hmm. Tweet deleted? Possible fake I guess.

maybe. russia continuing to overplay is looking like a certainty. but most economists are already commenting that china has russia dead to rites in terms of being the single biggest buyer of raw commodities. seems tightening the screws now and bringing putin to heel now before truly catastrophic hundreds of thousands dead civilians would play very well with the west. so it’s a balance between extracting as much as you can, but also appearing as the peacemaker.

My wildly uninformed guess is that China just doesn’t want to stick its dick into a situation that’s already fucked. You see how badly this seems to be going for Russia, I can’t imagine them being excited about jumping in, even if they are friends with Russia.

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He’s sick



China has been getting more and more comfortable with sticking its dick in potentially dangerous places and bragging internally about doing so.

The CCP ain’t great in the best of times, but the all time tell a bad moon is rising is when a leader proclaims that term limits for the supreme executive are no longer favored by the people.

Biden has been pushing them hard publicly and calling out their bullshit unusually aggressively, even undiplomaticaly, suggesting that there’s been a lot of issues since he’s taken office.