Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Seems to be confirmed exercises:

Foreign fighters making their way to Ukraine. Though these guys, a lot less emphasis on fighters. One was working at Taco Bell and another at the Dollar Store

I assume Ukraine will deploy them away from their own units as they may not be as properly vetted and it is more likely for some Russian infiltration than in the Ukrainian military. Often that could mean front lines in less strategic positions.

This is a generous statement. Just to make sure no one gets confused and doesn’t view this troll for who he really is, tweet thread below.

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Yea I meant more of ‘this guy’s doing a bit’ more than this guy’s a psycho rando, but I guess it’s a bit of both.

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Uh that’s a swing and a miss there Matt. If he left when the US gave him the option the most that would get said would be poor guy that’s understandable and the worst is Cushbomb would call him a scary cat American stooge

I’m stealing a take from Twitter here, but the normcore centrist guys were essentially correct about the existential threat that Putin poses, and that’s driving people on both extremes into adopting very odd positions.



At least it was not 700 billion in pure grifting like Russia.

Yeah, far end had been laughing at the Hillary types for making Putin into a comic book villain. They actually got this one right though.


The Chapo guys have been pathetic for years. They’re not too far from Greenwald level idiocy at this point.

It has been obvious for 7+ years Russia is up to some super bad shit and Chapo and Co. have been so invested in dunking on Democrats they’ve bought into some truly insane bullshit.


normcore is such a weird word to me, but it fits perfectly here.

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Trigger warning: dead bodies

I would expect that any drone pilot can fly any modern drone after a quick lesson on which button authorises it to launch its weapons at its target. They are practically autonomous to begin with these days.

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This guy’s Twitter feed almost perfectly mirrors my stream of consciousness


They’re allowing Russia to pay its debts to Western countries. Presumably allowing Russia to default would have knock on effects in the credit market.

They may still be sanctioned. Like Russia can make their debt payments but not borrow more money.

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Would about borrowing to pay the maturities of its existing debts?

Russia wanted to pay in rubles which would have triggered a default since those bonds were to be repaid in dollars.

Armchair psychology.

If Putin actually was determined to go scorched earth policy he would have intentionally defaulted on those bonds.

But he didn’t. He paid. He still wants to be a part of international monetary system. Doesn’t want Russia to default and be even more economically fucked.

Nuclear war may just be a total bluff.

Russia is paying with frozen money, so it’s not really losing anything. If the sanctions are not lifted, then it was never going to be able to get those dollars anyway. If the sanctions are lifted, then it’s better for them to not have defaulted on its bonds so it can borrow again.