Ukraine, Russia, and the West


Yeah it’s interesting how much military force UA has committed to not giving up the Donbass, meanwhile they let Russia march through the SE coast and NE pretty much unimpeded. Clearly they see that as a huge Russian objective in addition to the cities. I wonder if they see no way to ever get Russia out of there if they concede the whole thing.

Jesus. Christ. Almighty.

Yea, it’s a comedy duo though. They go to different city council meetings. Here’s the other guy who followed him

Not sure about that.

More chatter that Ukraine is winning the NW of Kyiv area bigly.

I saw one of these in Managua. State employees clearly mandated to attend a pro-Ortega march. The crowd was pudgier, older and much more subdued than one would usually expect at a street protest. Minders seemed to circle around them making sure everyone was chanting and waving their flags.

It’s not a gamble anymore because severe punishment is 100% to happen as opposed to something that happens X% of the time.

Dunno if X was 1%, 10%, 20% or even higher before, just that Putin allowed a “controlled” opposition before and those days are over. The liberal/anti-war people are now unequivocal traitors and deserve to be killed.

Could be I misinterpreted the conversation. It is worth a listen, regardless.

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If that speech was Putin starting to hedge in case of a loss, there might not be enough balconies in Russia. I hope that TV sign lady gets out of jail and straight the hell out of Dodge.

Labelled as an official of the Belarusian government:

Belarusian coup?

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Some speculation in that thread that it’s a false flag thing to support Belarus going into Ukraine.

I have absolutely no idea.

US not even on the board.

There isn’t much of a superyacht community in the US. Superyachts go from the Mediterranean to the Caribbean


Seems like it, is the president telling the forces to die in Ukraine and the military saying fuck off?

Not sure if accurate, but seeing it could be drills. Could also be cover story to deny something else.

This guy is the only source I’m aware of that something is going on in Belarus. He is an opposition politician and not a Lukashenko ally.