Ukraine, Russia, and the West

The guy is a total moron.

I mean what better way to stand out to assassins than to wear a suit and tie when everybody else is dressed in whatever wasn’t destroyed in bombing and shelling.

Is it that Peter Schiff?

Yes, yes it is. A professional at being wrong.


What even are those cages ostensibly supposed to protect against? Molotovs?

If the warhead of an anti tank missile detonates a couple of feet early it won’t kill the tank.

Not to EDems. That’s their whole vibe.

Who knew it took a comedian to be a GOAT politician?

Bill Burr 4 POTUS!

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We’re going to end up with President Joe Rogan.


He just took his best shot. Regrouping will take time. It won’t be easy while under sanctions. He’ll have to crack down to control his own people. He’ll be weaker next time. Potential opponents will be better prepared and less afraid.

Conan 2024.

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I think he’d actually be decent.

Al Franken was pretty good as one.

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:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Putin hanging from a lamppost or in the Hague asap - not bothered which.

You already had an entertainer as president. Ukraine is just lucky they got a competent one.




I would hope Ukraine would view joining NATO the same way. Just wait a few years - rebuild your country and army, and then announce that you’ve joined NATO. I don’t see any reason Ukraine should be obliged to honor any treaty made with Russia - similar to how contracts signed under duress are not enforceable.

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Seems stupid for Ukraine to not join NATO unless American or other NATO troops get based there. A security guarantee is no guarantee unless Russia considers it a significant deterrent.

Also every officer in Russia’s military seems to have their hand in the cookie jar, selling off pieces or buying inferior parts and pocketing the difference.

Checkmate Putin!


lol the ratio on that

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