Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Мы получили его!

Angry magpies.

That could be the worst ratio I’ve ever seen on a tweet

A heavily-fortified border always at the ready and the $500B worth of military hardware we’re going to give them including drones and advanced anti-aircraft/anti-missile.

Also Russia won’t be able to play the “maybe our military buildup on your border is just a bluff” game twice.

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At this point I think they just want Russian forces gone while they still have autonomy and a standing military intact. I don’t think a cease fire will resolve issues in Donetsk and Luhansk, and as long as that conflict is active entry into NATO is a moot point.

Trump has never been comedic. Being actually funny takes wit.

Trump’s funny in a low key way or at least he’s way more funny than any Republican politician.

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I think this was the refence to an entertainer President.

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About time we get some letters of marque and reprisal

Assholes think that shitting on others is funny.
It’s a thing among early teen boys. About where Trumps brain is.

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Council of Europe - not to be confused with the continent of Europe or the European Union.

“I was so tough on Putin he was afraid to sanction me

Well now they’re saying he was rescued:

Privatization of war?

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