Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Obviously the PL has supported it, but Chelsea has done this stuff for 20 years. While the PL has allowed city and Newcastle to be bought by sources they shouldn’t have, they haven’t done the same stuff. The stuff Chelsea does for youth players, tapping up, coaches etc is well documented and just not done by other teams.

Some kind of Ukranian counterattack on an airport just happened.

Also, Russia seems to be preparing a landing in Odessa:

He’s very much changed.

Putin is “changed,” but also “smart”. Trump is unchanged and also not smart.

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Higher res images were just made available.


Am I correct in assuming Euro militaries, let alone USA #1, would decimate this lol Russian Army in like a week max, if they wanted to?

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Assuming no nukes for the whole encounter, that sounds right.

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We could do it in a day. We’re their hard counter. We have wet dreams about enemy armor and last gen aircraft.

though, supposedly we didn’t know of their technology that thwarts missile defense, or whatever it’s called, and that we haven’t won a war in 70 approximate years

The Ukrainian military has literally decimated it in under 3 weeks, so yes.

I’m actually glad we lost the war on drugs.


Yeah, I mean, as much as “Russia will overrun Ukraine in a matter of hours” was a false narrative, something that’s not false is that the US Air Force could lay to waste a bunch of sitting duck stalled armored battalions. Missile strikes on anything resembling an anti-aircraft gun or missile battery, then send in aerial bombardment and any A-10s we still have lying around to strafe the shit out of what’s left. We saw this play out in Iraq, where the US had total air superiority, like, what, overnight? And that was against a sovereign state with its own defenses, not a thinly stretched and undersupplied invading force.

I can say this to you because you know how I actually feel about you irl: fuck off with this trash nonsense.

A butcher is killing women and children, unprovoked and without any justification whatsoever. Do better. Or just don’t.

Escalation just stop already the troll had a good run but it’s enough now

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There’s an issue though that yes the US would waffle crush Russia’s response to Ukraine, but Russia wouldn’t do their attack on Russia against us. They probably wouldn’t even done what they did if they would have known. A slow moving hold and secure approach would have probably been a lot better then these guys running to Kiev just to get blown up.

Edit off


Just dropped.


John Green, author of YA books and youtube pioneer, put out a short Ukraine explainer video. Trolls moved in, predictably. It’s not where I’d go to get an easy W if I was a troll.

4th largest army in the world supposedly

Sorry for your friend.


this is way tougher for those reporters on the ground, there isn’t a set battlefront so anything could get blown up next. I wouldn’t do it that’s for sure.

I would assume any US strikes on Russian forces would only occur within the borders of Ukraine, maybe some border anti-aircraft facilities? Russia doesn’t (yet) have their entire military in Ukraine.