Ukraine, Russia, and the West

People really don’t understand how significant figures work.


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That would mean we could alleviate the labor shortage.

Got duped into watching 60 Minutes Australia, because story said Russian Oligarch puts 1 million bounty on Putin.

It’s sort of true. The guy lost 500 million in 92 when the KGB kidnapped him, and the government seized his assets. Since has been given asylum in the US and built a new fortune. Hence the ability to post the bounty.

has anyone considered that public schools and hospitals for the people are SOCIALISM, and they had to be destroyed for FREEDOMS?

they already did it live too

Schools and hospitals are only SOCIALISM when they are run by Communazi Woke BLM ANTIFA Radical Socialists (like Joe Biden) that don’t care about Real Americans.

Czech Republic’s population is up by around 2-3% as well.

But yeah, Poland took in a shit ton of refugees.

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Canada has said it will take in an unlimited number of Ukrainians.


They should. It’s the second largest country in the world and has only 38 million people.

Poland is 30 times more densely populated and took in 1.5 million Ukrainian refugees.

i wish we had a woke radical socialist as president but instead we have joe biden. i may even risk a civil or race war for that. err, civil special operation.

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canada is gonna have such great pierogis.

Going out for Ukrainian food this Wednesday. Gonna be fun.

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It’s not, my grandmother made a mix of Ukrainian food and Canadian food since she was born in Canada to parents that came from Ukraine when they were young and the Ukrainian style of food I always tried to avoid and so did everyone else in the family.
It could be she was just really bad at making Ukrainian food though.

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I’ve had some of the food we’re gonna have already. I mean varenyky are essentially pierogies and I’ve had borscht before.

War of aggression in general is also quite illegal, and certainly is a much worse and more clear cut war crime than cluster bombs or white phosphorus, both of which have been used by the US in recent memory.

The USA#1 will probably have a debate about whether to take in 50,000 or 100,000 Ukrainians.

This will stall once Republicans point out that 1% of Ukraine’s population is Muslim and successfully argue that we should really cut the threshold down to 10,000 slots just to be safe, and then because of the DHS background check process only 127 of the 10,000 slots are filled and they’re almost entirely people who applied for residency prior to the war.

Then one of the 127 will kill a child in a drunk driving accident and Biden will lose in 2024 for letting too many Ukraine refugees in.

Book it.


My bold prediction is that Republicans will be just fine with white refugees coming in.