Ukraine, Russia, and the West

May have been in Gogol, but clearly a reference to the 1979 Joy Division song.


Gogol Bordello released a territorial defense song.


I’ve been thinking about people saying Putin needs to be provided an off-ramp. Russia was perceived as such a huge favorite going into the war that even a partial victory seems like a loss. What if the only way that he can retreat with honor is if he is threatened by a superior US-led NATO force so that continuing to fight would be massively suicidal?

These tweets are really weird. What kind of American special ops veteran is going to volunteer for war in a non-NATO country, get sent straight to the front lines apparently in an unwinnable position, and then cry, “Where is NATO? Where is the supposed good of western civilization?”

Also food is not supposed to be close to running out yet, and the front lines around Kyiv have barely moved in the last few days.

How do you get surrounded by a tank column? A tank circle? And if that does somehow happen, seems like the move would be to retreat before being surrounded. He makes it sound like foreign fighters are being asked to make suicidal last stands to save Kyiv.

It seems unlikely this guy is a Russian plant. But he’s also very clearly passionately motivated to the cause and basically calling for NATO (or something similar) here before the invasion starts:

He might think he’s doing good by playing up the direness of the situation to his 450k followers. Or maybe someone with an American accent duped him. There are a ton of Russian trollbots in his mentions.

Another anonymous soldier calling for specific action:


Man I know the cult is strong but even Trump can’t get away with openly cheerleading for a guy who is bombing schools and hospitals. Maybe.

Also it probably seems hard for us to have a rational mindset because America is so dysfunctional and messed up and racist and stupid and ultimately hopeless, but we are still incredibly rich and powerful relative to everyone else, especially Russia, which has an economy that’s probably the size of Florida. This is pure insanity from Putin.

One of the best live bands in the world.

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What has he not gotten away with?

Everyone knows it’s actually the Nazi Globalists in the Ukraine that are blowing up the schools and hospitals. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!

You are taking his words out of context, he clearly said this is a tragedy and he would have never allowed to happen if the woke Ds didn’t steal the election from him. /end

Btw, our people, 30-40% of Americans, falling for this shit are incredibly, incredibly stupid.

This loser is whining that he couldn’t stop the weak Ds from stealing an election from him domestically but he would have been strong enough to stop Putin from invading a country in his backyard in Eastern Europe.

Any good mechanic will tell you to never buy a vehicle that’s on fire.

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I don’t understand how videos like this exist. I mean, I have trouble taking time to get a video when my kids are practicing their bike riding, and these sickos are live streaming actual battles.


How close does this get to crossing the red line of using chemical weapons?

Something I was not aware of:

It’ll buff out.

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For people who don’t read articles, international law permits use of white phosphorus in war for certain applications, such as smoke-screens.


Zero percent. Chemical weapons are poisons, not weapons that are made of chemicals. The weapons being described in the article are used to start fires, not poison people. It’s still extremely illegal to use incendiaries to burn cities, but it’s not a chemical weapon.


Those were accidents