Ukraine, Russia, and the West

That’s a lot of potential future terrorists who might be mad about the US not helping Ukraine enough.

Putin’s daughter’s villa in France has been “taken over” by an activist, who is welcoming Ukrainian refugees to stay there.

Also, from the end of the article:


You hate to see it.

We’ve been turning away Ukrainian (and Russian, and all other) refugees at the southern border for weeks under a Trump policy that Biden could eliminate with a signature.


Would have been interesting if they’d also been able to seize his daughter. I’m wondering where his children are.

A judge ordered Biden to keep that policy in place. The turning away is also temporary, the policy is that the prospective refugees are forced to stay in Mexico until a decision is reached. Still wrong, Biden agrees and ordered it to end until the court intervened.


This seems like a really bad sign:

I also realized China’s geopolitical interests align with a Russian victory, it would benefit them financially quite a bit… that is unless the rest of the world sanctions them really hard.

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In a CNN interview, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said they were “communicating directly, privately to Beijing that there will absolutely be consequences for large-scale sanctions evasion efforts or support to Russia to backfill them”.

“We will not allow that to go forward and allow there to be a lifeline to Russia from these economic sanctions from any country, anywhere in the world,” he said.

He added that while the US believed China was aware that Russian leader Vladimir Putin was “planning something” before the invasion happened, Beijing “may not have understood the full extent of it”.

Can the rest of the world afford to sanction China? Unlike Russia China manufactures a lot of stuff we actually need.

They might lean into tariffs instead of sanctions. That would hurt Chinese sellers and disproportionately hurts poor American consumers, who American politicians don’t actually give a fuck about.

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Jeezus, boomers shouldn’t be allowed to use the internet.

the earlier analysis linked itt actually argued china should pivot away from russia as soon as possible.

A lesson Jeffrey Toobin learnt the hard way.


Trade war with China was the one major issue Trump was sincerely right about. Say sincerely because he said other “correct” stuff that he talked out of both sides of his mouth on or just used as a cheap talking point with no intent to follow through.

Drawing up the blueprints to all of our latest technologies here then establishing all of the actual manufacturing capabilities to produce the technologies there was dumb before and just complete willful ignorance and lunacy that it continues today.

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That’s what I thought too, but then I thought about it again… Who’s going to buy all that oil from Russia? Who’s going to buy the extra oil from Donbas? Who’s going to buy the extra grains from Ukraine? Who’s going to get all of it at a steep discount because Russia is still sanctioned by the rest of the world?




It was more than a cheap buying opportunity for China. Xi and Putin have said that they are sympatico and in total alignment, “no limits” on their partnership… we should believe them.

To be clear, I think it’s obvious that Xi has a revanchist expansionary mindset and not only is he okay with severing ties with the West, but he welcomes it. He just prefers to be strategic and do it at the time he considers most opportune. Who knows if that will be next month, next year or next decade, but that is clearly the end game, imo.

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