Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Well, it was being illegally withheld and he was impeached for it, but yes, it was eventually delivered to Ukraine.

It really is like some kind of weird Twilight Zone trip back to WWII, right down to everyone always smoking.

I don’t know much about wagner, but I picture something like Blackwater. Take okish Russian ex-military, pay them a bit more, more tactical and specialized than regular army. Probably have significant limitations in logistics, intel, and heavy equipment, but a solid security/special ops/kidnapping/suicide by blunt trauma force maybe.

If he gets NATO to attack, then by their escalate to de-escalate doctrine he can use tactical nukes. Which would probably just mean killing a bunch of civilians and seeing how far NATO is willing to go.

According to twitter, the Wagner leader is a literal nazi, with SS tattoos. I did not confirm that obviously.

I mean he’s probably right, why would putin attack when he’s got trump literally extorting Zelensky, weakening Ukraine, and bragging about it? Let that roll as long as possible. Once that gravy train is over, then you attack obv.


Did they say „slava nazi“? Based on my knowledge of what „slava ukraini“ and „geroyam slava“ mean, that would definitely not be a good look and a video I‘d share.
Maybe it‘s a different word that sounds similar. Can you help @VoteForSocialists ?

Yeah it sure sounds like it. I really was just talking about the still with the helmet and the cigarette in his mouth reminded me of WWII footage.

Well, they do call themselves the Wagner Group.

Also, their logo:


“They’ve got skulls on them.”


This is a big deal apparently - to break the siege of Mariupol.

“slava nazi`i” which is the conjugation of “нация” or “nation”.

it’s a bit subtle to foreigners but phonetically there is a clear difference



in russian UNO has an almost the same phonetics, and to the untrained ear could sound like “organization of united nazis”. yikes!

Yeah we should be done with Israel and the Saudis after this. We won’t, but we should be. What the hell is the point of all our protection if we can’t get them to rally in this spot? Well Saudi oil. But Israel?


How similar are Russian and Ukrainian? Can they understand each other pretty easily?

from what i understand, right wing in israeli politics supports annexations. so condemning russia’s actions will hinder their own agenda.

This has to be playing a huge role in Belarus not wanting to send troops.

Russian-American chessplayer Nazi Pakidze. I always wondered why someone born in Siberia in the '90s would have the first name “Nazi.”

Wikipedia to the rescue: * Her Georgian first name, Nazí (ნაზი) translates as “gentle”. She has explained that the correct pronunciation is “nah-ZEE” (Georgian pronunciation: [nɑˈzi]). She was named after her grandmother.[27]

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ukrainians understand russian perfectly. but vice versa is not so easy. i never learned ukranian, so it would take me hearing the same sentence several times before i can understand it, and often i’m still confused.

watching lots of telegram video last two weeks is like a crash course. i’m probably better now just by osmosis

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yeah, luckily for her, in russian ZEE and TS are two different letters and sounds entirely

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