Ukraine, Russia, and the West

In a striking — if perhaps not surprising — shift over the last year and since Russia’s invasion, an overwhelming majority of Americans now say Ukraine is a friendly country. In a new YouGov survey, 81 percent of Americans say Ukraine is either friendly or an ally, a figure that rivals or even exceeds that of many longtime U.S. allies like France or Japan. Only Britain, Canada and Australia earned more favorable ratings from voters.

Realistic-sounding thread about where the war is likely headed in the near term.

Not sure if all this is vetted.

The Swiss call their national soccer team the „Nati“ and pronounce that exactly like I and most Germans would pronounce „Nazi“.

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Sounds like the war of words is ramping up.

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The company’s name comes from Utkin’s own call sign “Wagner” Hitler’s favorite composer Richard Wagner, which he is said to have chosen due to his passion for the Third Reich.

I’ll never understanding idolizing losers.

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I mean, I like the Democrats.


Favourable view of Germany and Japan?! I’m old enough to have known older relatives that didn’t have such a favorable view of Germany and Japan.

I only know Wagner bc of Apocalypse Now. And Russian threats to ISS make me hope 2010: The Year We Make Contact was underappreciated in some ways.

Most of East and SE Asia still hasn’t forgiven Japan. It wasn’t just the war, it was endless unspeakable atrocities, committed by rank-and-file Japanese soldiers on orders from above, for which no one in the Japanese military was wever punished.

My ex’s grandma was lined up in front of a firing squad as a little girl. They shot 10 people then stopped at her. Some of her other relatives had to hide out in the rural Indonesia as children, pretending to be filthy diseased street urchins so the Japanese wouldn’t rape them or figure out they were ethnic Chinese. People don’t forget that stuff for many generations.


Remember all the way back in 2019 when Moscow Mitch rallied the troops to get sanctions lifted on Deripaska, who then immediately put up a 40% stake in a proposed aluminum plant in Kentucky?

But the timing of their meeting shows how much a major venture in McConnell’s home state had riding on the Democratic-backed effort in January to keep sanctions in place.

By the next day, McConnell had [successfully blocked the bill, despite the defection of 11 Republicans.

Within weeks, the U.S. government had formally lifted sanctions on Rusal, citing a deal with the company that reduced the ownership interest of its Kremlin-linked founder, Oleg Deripaska. And three months later, Rusal announced plans for an extraordinary partnership with Bouchard’s company, providing $200 million in capital to buy a 40 percent stake in the new aluminum plant in Ashland, Ky.

McConnell “was not aware of any potential Russian investor before the vote,” spokesman David Popp said.

What a tangled web of coincidences!


Wow they’re floating the idea that Russia could use biological, chemical or nuclear weapons.

Also I thought Russia was supposed to be terrified of NATO aggression. Now they’re saying NATO will sit by if Russia uses nukes? I guess their propaganda has as much accountability to make sense as our right-wing propaganda does here.

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Yeah but you’re not expressing that like by wearing a pantsuit covered in “I’m with her!” buttons and getting “Pokemon Go to the polls” tattoos.

Czech Republic says it can handle 250K Ukrainian refugees. Right now about 130K have been given visas (though that does include Ukrainians currently in the CR renewing their current visas). Given that over 10K were handed out last Friday, that limit is fast approaching.

Wonder what’ll happen. 250K might not sound like a lot but it is for a country of 10 million people. As a matter of that, that 250K will more than double the Ukrainian population in the country which already was the largest foreign born demographic in the CR.

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