Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Can I believe that Trump believes that but is wrong?

Apparently Trump wiped out the Wagner group (200 elite mercenaries working for Putin) in Syria. Well at least according to some Russian crackpot defector But I feel like I heard that somewhere else first.

Although that could have been Trump’s generals just doing shit w/o his knowledge or approval.

Trump’s a liar, we all know this. Follow the actions, and then figure out from there what he’d do if actually faced with the situation. If he was POTUS when this happened, you’d hear an awful lot of “Hey, we’re no angels, America first, this isn’t our business.”

I believe Ukraine did eventually get the lethal aid Trump withheld right?

If I’m remembering right, and you want to both sides liberal media and the liberal pundit ecosystem, this would be a good spot. If articles mention that Ukraine eventually got the aid, it’s always buried in a one-liner down in paragraph 13, where no one ever reads.

Well don’t the articles say that he threatened to withhold it, not that he actually did? I mean I guess it’s a reasonable point that the average American’s reading comprehension isn’t great and it should be made more clear that it was not withheld, but…

Unless you’re referring to the party platform thing?

Can’t agree with this at all. Russia is declining faster than the US, their GDP per capita was lower in 2020 than before the financial collapse of 2007-2008 while countries like Lativa, Romania, Lithuania, Poland (and USA) have grown. If Ukraine gets into EU and NATO they would eventually (in a few decades) become richer and a legitimate rival to Russia and Turkey in their region.

That nuance is lost on 99% of people on twitter - many of whom take it even further imply that none of this would have happened if Trump had given the aid.

the decision to bomb out wagner regiment when they clearly moved to take control over an oil facility overseen by army rangers did not go all the way up to trmp. it may have only gone up to the joint chiefs post fact.

also lol at elite mercenaries.

Got it. Thanks for the clarification that it happened. Glad those guys are dead now. But I assume they created more.

Is Wagner the most elite mercenaries Putin has at least?

Right, but long game is like 25, 50, 100 years out. Climate change will significantly open up natural resources for Russia, in all likelihood.

it’s simply the most loyal and desperate former contract soldiers who are “available” to go somewhere in middle east and africa so that prigozhin and putin can collect some money from assad or whatever general is in charge of chad or central african republic.

the elite units would be considered a few battalions in the army, or like the best picked of VDV. mercenaries around the world have a reputation that’s not really earned




Yeah but it’s a kleptocracy. They have an insane amount of energy resources per capita today and it is not preventing their decline because of their societal structure, I don’t think more resources does anything but fatten the personal accounts of the same oligarchs

It’s almost like he wants to escalate the conflict to include NATO & the west

Well a lot of experts have been saying all along that NATO attacking Russia in Ukraine would be a huge gift to Putin. So maybe he’s ready to bring on that move himself.

It wasn’t Trump, is was the US military defending a position. Read a long article about it somewhere a couple of years ago. Russia put the american defense to the test to get some oil fields and lost. Think it was closer to 400.

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Oh yeah I remember that. I didn’t realize it was the Wagner group.

Threatening to escalate is certainly his go-to move. Also probably means supplying Ukraine is having the desired effect.

or maybe they fear the deliveries. doing what putin fears is a good strategy.

it’s old news at this point, but if you guys have a chance, watch the Navalny HBO/CNN documentary

On the one hand it may make things more stable domestically, otoh he has to know if he can’t even take Ukraine a shooting was with the US is problematic.