Ukraine, Russia, and the West

It’s frustrating, but I get it at the same time. I still have no firm idea what the actual red line is for Russia here. I at least understand the resistance.

lol dude you are the person cheerleading the destruction of the Russian economy, why don’t you go ahead and answer that question yourself

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Ok good to know.

Vietnam and Iraq Wars undoubtedly justified US sanctions, 100%. Permanently sanctioning the US today would probably do more good than harm in the long-run but timing would be very confusing, to say the least.

When he’s right he’s right

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I do not support US economy being destroyed while I support bankrupting Russia.

Do you support Russian economy being bankrupted by the west?

I will take it as a yes but you don’t want to admit it?

There is a new sheriff in Saudi Arabia and he is a sadistic nutjob. That arrangement is over and good riddance.

That is just 1 goal with respects to Russian people toppling their leader.

Choking Russia economically reduces their ability to wage more war in Ukraine and against other countries


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Putin is a mafioso, sadistic thug so don’t give a damn what he thinks. But if he got Germany, France, etc. to sanction us too I’d think “damn, we probably fucked up.”

Why do you support one economy being destroyed and not the other?

I assume bankrupting Russia would have terrible implications for the citizenry while the oligarchs and politicians will be able to escape relatively unscathed, so I do not support bankrupting Russia either. I assumed that was obvious based on my question but I guess it wasn’t.


Most of the impact of the sanctions and beyond (all these companies pulling out of Russia), is mostly just impacting the masses while those in charge are highly insulated.

Not sure what we really want to happen.

I support bankrupting Russia so that Putin’s ability to wage war in Ukraine and against other counries in the future is greatly diminished.

Putin has been in power for 24 years so having his people angry at him has an added benefit of toppling his regime.

Right now, Ukraine is being genocided by Putin and you don’t support military action nor do you support these sanctions. So I have to assume you support the west doing absolutely nothing and just letting him have it.

They put all the conscripts at the tip of the spear as human ammo drainers. Now so many of them are turning up dead, Putin actually has to address the issue back home.


Kinda, yea, now that I’m realizing how fruitless some of these efforts are and how much destruction we’re causing

So you are one of those types that believe USA = Russia and GOP / Dem = Putin.


They don’t have to be perfectly equivalent for the same argumentative logic to apply. You’re cool with Americans fucking with other countries and killing innocent people but you’re not cool with Russia doing it. That’s fine, that’s probably a super common opinion in the USA. I don’t think there’s point in continuing this since America isn’t really the topic of this thread, I just thought it was interesting that you were so open about it.

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Could the bolded have anything to do with a lack of planes? Ukraine is asking for planes every day. I doubt that’s just for show.

Well for whatever reason the US defense department keeps saying the UKR air force is largely intact. Maybe they’re lying I dunno.