Ukraine, Russia, and the West

They won’t starve figuratively and die off. They will go partially hungry, and with triple digit inflation their lives will suck. This is what’s needed to do internal regime change.

this is a very bad standard. sanctions that are the most harmful to russians are ones that are imposed by Putin’s regime as counter-sanctions to the west. russian oil and gas companies contribute laughably small amounts to the government’s budget. that was a problem before crimea, but it became ironclad due to putin’s view that the oligarchs required restitution for the loss of income imposed by the west.

there are scores of countersanctions like that. the biggest hit on the russian population occurring right now is that russia is essentially nationalizing their bank deposits, especially those made in foreign currency. literally making the people starve to continue the war.

lol at both military realism and moral relativism. if you concluded that everyone should just let a dictator with a nuclear grenade do absolutely anything, as long as it is short of yemeni or syrian civilian casualties, you should go back to solving trolley problems on the internet and hope to never come face to face with a refugee from anywhere.


Sanctions armed at the entire country do help us and are effective.

The more money Putin spends trying to prop up his currency and economy and pacify his population domestically is less money he can use to build or resupply his armed forces.

It may not result in regime change, but strangling the country economically is the best way to reduce Putin’s future territorial ambitions or his ability to wage war long term in Ukraine.

there are a lot of americans who wish to die in a blaze of glory for a whopper.

There was a thing in the Balkans. Lasted about 10 years. Over 100,000 dead.


Forgot about these counter sanctions from Russia, which are essentially attempts to strike at the West’s willingness to support Ukraine but likely will hurt their own citizens more. Really solid strike at the idea that our sanctions have to be more targeted.

McDonalds is trash food and Visa is being replaced by a Chinese company. No Russian with a moral compass is going to legitimately think that is a travesty while their government is engaged in genocide.

If I heard Russians were having shortages of wheat and basic staples then I might be concerned but the truth is that is only going to be happening to Ukranians and countries that relied on their exports.

It was a popular meme long before Youtube even existed. Would have laid big odds against you (and most people here for that matter) not knowing it.

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Illarionov is a complete fraud. he stepped on someone he couldn’t handle in putin’s regime and had to flee in 2000s. he now lives in the us and is a token russian expert carrying water for the most far right conservative viewpoint he can find. go read his anti-blm fascism and his pro-ivermectin lunacy. he continues to push that covid is a lab creation, and supported the insurrection as it was happening. cato institute had to cut him loose, he was so unhinged.


Wonder if they lose money like doordash?

Yeah, I totally believe he happened to walk in on an enclave of Russian oligarch-gangsters plotting to steal 12 Billion US$, spoke up about the illegality right there in the meeting and didn’t end up taking a nose dive off a tall structure.

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Much like the US then

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SK liked this, and you seem to think that it’s some witty retort…

but “yeah duh” is the obviously correct response. War has been this since the 1800s really.

Obviously it’s a flippant throw away and the US economy is a pretty diverse thing. However the Military Industrial complex is a thing and the fact that every state is enmeshed solidly in that pie is a big reason Washington is the shitshow it is.

I am curious, are you against this near embargo of the Russian economy?

US war machine is linked to its economy.

Do you support US economy to be destroyed?

Since this is what we are doing to Russia at the moment.

You’re too caught up in making snarky comments to realize that economic power and output is a massive part of a country’s military power since the industrial revolution, and in reality going back further than that in varying degrees. Modern total warfare (which this is, at least for Ukraine) leverages entire economies against each other. Being able to design, build, transport, fuel and all the other logistics necessary is part of that economy, and plays a huge part in determining who wins a modern war.

This is a separate topic than the military industrial complex and the problems it created in consuming resources to enrich certain parties.

You win. I’m out.

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War is a game of semantics, apparently.

All this, we will do this but won’t do that hand wringing by NATO members is nauseating.