Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Thank you for letting us know.

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I think we need to wait and see on Russia itself. I mean even if Putin gets removed who’s to say the next guy isn’t in the same ballpark (I won’t say as bad) with regards to corruption, nationalism etc. I can’t imagine the next guy wanting to conduct more imperialist invasions but I think they could certainly get back to meddling in democracy, maintaining the kleptatorship etc.**

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I wouldn’t say I’m confident, but Russia has been a major obstacle, particularly over the last 15 years. Removal of major obstacles is always good. While I’m not that much of a China hawk, the fact that Xi removed term limits and the CCP has major issues suggests how things could remain bad even post Putin.

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EDIT: That’s more casualties than the US suffered during the entire Iraq War.

Maybe it’s at least a slowing of the tide.

I was listening to NPR’s On the Media earlier and they commented on Tucker walking back some of his pro Putin takes. A small thing, but it’s a start.

Autocratic state?

USA just booted out Trump and voted in Biden.

Biden (the autocracy?) can barely get his agenda through congress. Which is the opposite of an autocracy.

Y’all so out of touch with reality.

Since Putin has been in power, the USA has held 6 different elections and 4 different presidents.

0 journalists in jail, 0 political prisoners, 0 citizens killed or murdered for political dissent.

Just like Russia!


I mentioned this a bit earlier in the thread. What a stupid time to do something to unify the liberal democracies of western world behind a common cause. Russia was making more progress just polluting the minds of people globally with Facebook.

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Imagine how hollow the debate would be here without victoar adding his unique, deeply thoughtful, nuanced and insightful takes. I for one, was convinced America was a utopia until today.


Oh good:

Putin’s biggest fear is a citizen uprising. The biggest threat to him is letting countries on his border, with deep ties to many of citizens, become westernized and liberalized. The more his citizens understand the world the greater likelihood of them deciding Putin isn’t so great.

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I think they already understand the world pretty well, and their hatred of NATO/the West is going to grow exponentially in the coming weeks. We’re absolutely not getting a pro-West Russian government if Putin is overthrown.

According to another twitter account, they don’t have a reactor. They have something that can bombard you with neutrons. Not sure how big of a deal that is.

Just need to make the war last until 2024 so Russia remains under sanctions and is a pariah state during the next presidential election.


Was widely reported in UK press that Russians were already being accused of shelling the building and that it did have a reactor.

I guess there are many different types of “reactor” though and some are much more dangerous than others. Had a look and this one was opened in 2015:

"The facility includes a subcritical assembly, neutron-production target, an electron linear accelerator, a cold neutron source and experimental neutron channels for nuclear physics research.

The reactor is to start operations in March 2015 and will be used for research and the production of isotopes for medical and industrial use."

I have no idea what that means in terms of explosive or radioactive potential.

I wasn’t taking the Russian tweet at face value though, more as preparation for some sort of false flag event, or a pre-emptive “just in case” in the event one of their missiles does connect and shit goes south.

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Why the tits are we talking about how much the US sucks in this thread?

We have dozens of threads way more appropriate for that in this forum.

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