Ukraine, Russia, and the West

If you can’t see America trending towards an autocratic state, that’s a you problem.

Among the Americans in this forum, do any of us have any concerns regarding the government taking an interest in our posts here?


Aren’t you the guy who went to a pub but skipped the protest cuz you have a Joy Behar trip planned?

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–He writes on a forum that literally would not be allowed to exist in all these countries that are no different than the US.


Sorry for my posting in this thread and I probably deserve a ban and I’m fine with that, but I will say that this is a real fucking war and some people in this forum are close to it for a variety of reasons, and I do think the kind of blithe shitposting that exists all over this forum (and that I’m generally cool with) seems like it should be kept out of this thread where many people come to stay updated on a current event that feels pretty fucking momentous.


So do you also then have a problem with discussion of tactics, speculating outcomes, nuclear war discussion etc that dominates a lot of this thread? I haven’t seen you complain about that before? I mean you could consider that to be blithe shitposting.

It’s just not true, you wouldn’t get tortured and killed for saying fuck Trump here. There is graffiti all over DC saying that. Meanwhile, I said screw Assad as a child visiting Syria like 30 years ago next to some cops and my mom’s reaction was so bone chilling that I remember it to this day.

Now the world knows why:


This is literally the essence of Russias PR strategy. They don’t try to prop themselves up, that’s too laughable, but they win if the undermine the West.

“I’m not against vaccines, I’m just asking questions. Who can know the truth?”


Do you actually believe this? The standard of living for the average Russian is really bad. Well lower than the average in even the worst US states.

There’s a reason a ton of Russians make a living playing nl10 and Americans don’t.

And as said, the USA ain’t making you disappear for insulting Biden. If the US was as bad as Russia, you’d have been in a cell years ago Vic.

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That’s very different than what’s been said upthread. Let’s stop this.

The reason I’m following this so closely and am deeply interested in Putin overplaying the stack he built over the last 25 years in front of the whole world is that the greatest source of the type of propaganda that broke Victor’s mind and led to Trump and many others is now vanquished. There will be no more troll farms or maria buntinas or Brexit campaigns–Russia can no longer afford them. The consequences of this action, thanks to Ukraine, will be the actual end of the cold war.

Bad things and conflicts and ideological battles will still happen but one of the greatest sources of evil in the world is dying and everyone from China to right wing media knows it.

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Nice. Right wing nationalism is over. What a relief.


Winning this war will not end the struggle but progress will continue its march.

I guess one could make a case for Singapore being a dictatorship, but it’s a bit of a stretch, imo.

Agree that Singaporeans for the most part like it like it is.

I can see people interpreting that as blithe too. People have within this thread.

Putin seems clearly to have fucked up here. He tried to prepare the ground for this but it didn’t pay off. But maybe he just chose the wrong moment. Maybe if he’d done it earlier or wasn’t so old he couldn’t afford to wait for idiocy and fascism to spread further in the West, he’d have succeeded.

Democracy has been losing around the world. It’s been undermined in the US. This could be the turn of the tide. I’d like to think so. I’m not so nearly so confident as you seem to be.