Ukraine, Russia, and the West

yep, this appeared on ukrainian telegrams last night. i didn’t bring it here because honestly exhausted emotionally from following the firehose. i gotta stop waking up to a thousand telegram messages with dead bodies.

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The circumstances of his death were not immediately clear.

Hmm. Not sure if :face_with_monocle: or :thinking:.

That’s like two generals dead in a week? I have no idea what’s going on here, generals getting iced, tanks just getting left on the side of the road. It’s absurd.

Got curious about American generals killed in combat and there’s some doozies

Major General William Peterkin Upshur (U.S. Marine Corps)

Commanding General, Department of the Pacific, U.S. Marine Corps. Killed July 21, 1943 in an aircraft crash near Sitka, Alaska, while on an inspection tour of his command.

Major General Charles Dodson Barrett (U.S. Marine Corps)

Commanding General, I Marine Amphibious Corps. Died October 8, 1943, following a fall from the second-floor porch of his quarters at Noumea, New Caledonia.

Brigadier General Don F. Pratt (U.S. Army)

Assistant Division Commander, 101st Airborne Division. Killed June 6, 1944 when he was crushed by cargo that had broken its moorings when the glider landed.

Major General Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. (U.S. Army)

Commanding General, 90th Division. Died June 12, 1944 of a heart attack the day of his appointment as CG 90th.

Lieutenant General Walton Walker (U.S. Army)

Commanding General, Eighth Army. Killed December 23, 1950 when his command jeep collided with a civilian truck near Uijeongbu as he inspected positions north of Seoul.

Brigadier General Alfred Judson Moody (U.S. Army)

Assistant Division Commander, 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile). March 19, 1967 died of a heart attack in Vietnam.

Major General William Joseph Crumm (U.S. Air Force)

Commanding General, 3rd Air Division, Strategic Air Command. Died on July 7, 1967 when two B52 aircraft collided in mid-air over the South China Sea during a combat mission. The aircraft were approximately 20 miles offshore at the point of Vinh Binh Province when the accident occurred.

Major General Bruno Arthur Hochmuth (U.S. Marine Corps)

Commanding General, 3rd Marine Division. Killed November 14, 1967 when the helicopter, in which he was riding, exploded in mid-air and crashed.

Brigadier General Charles Jack Girard (U.S. Army)

Commanding General, Capital Military Assistance Command, Saigon, Vietnam. Died January 17, 1970 of illness or disease.

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Yes, if they haven’t all left already, there are a lot of good data scientists working at Facebook. External analysis would be doable as well, but might be missing lots of juicy proprietary details.

Someone in Kentucky is getting fired.

Haha, wow. Roosevelt Jr. makes an appearance in the movie The Longest Day, but the film doesn’t mention that he dies of a heart attack during the invasion.

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Cuse posted earlier that they apparently exited the position at the right time with a very minimal loss. If that’s true they, probably deserve a promotion.

Are you sure about that? It was injected into 96 Russians’ veins and it didn’t go well for them.

This is very long, but interesting:

Where is the line drawn for “taking out” enemies? The U.S. takes out ISIS commanders, and has taken out or tried to take out lots of dictators. I can see that a U.S.-led plot to kill Putin would not be a good idea, but if he gets killed by the doorman next time he walks into that room, that’s a good thing, isn’t it? He’s the CIC of a military in a war, so seems like he’s fair game to me.

If the Russians are focused on pushing that news with their bots it pushes them higher in the algorithm and exposes them to more people.

The evidence is pretty damning one week in. If you follow the meta thread, you will see this week is hyper unusual. I would assume because Russian resources are busy doing other things now that have taken a higher priority. The best way for them to sow discontent in America is amplify right wing views.

Edit: it’s possible Facebook made a major change to their algorithm this week but I would rate that highly unlikely given their lackadaisical management.

Access to nuclear arms

It’s cool and legal for the US to try to assassinate heads of state for small podunk nations like Cuba, but it is Not Cool to assassinate a really powerful world leader like Putin.

I thought it was made illegal for us to kill heads of state.

I guess political attacks are no bueno.

i meant the senator’s seeming dissent and the following little infighting

ukraine not weak


Maybe but I think they want to tilt things, ultimately, to trump favoritism as Putin would love trump to be president again. Plus I just think it is the way they went early on. The right wingers assaulted the capitol.

My guess is that people are just way more interested in news with the war so a ton more news is being consumed through Facebook. So it’s not that Bongino’s traffic is down, it just didn’t go up that much. Like I bet that Fox, CNN, and MSNBC’s ratings all went up with this war but CNN and MSNBC’s ratings went up proportionally more. Casual News Fan is probably going to turn on CNN instead of Fox, right?