Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Right I didn’t call anyone an idiot if you look at my exchange with NBZ.

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And their pension situation was bad enough that it was a major reason I left the state in 2019 lol.

There’s got to be a wild story behind a Tennessee teacher’s pension fund deciding to load up on shares in a Russian bank, right? Is that a normal thing?


The story is that they’re way behind where they need to be wrt their future obligations and are reaching hard for yield.

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i got you keeed. keed on keeeeding on. Mearsheimer and you are not in any immediate risk of appearing in the proceedings of the ICC on Russian war crimes in ukraine.

Checking in on the good guys.


I think my brain just melted with irony.

Legitimate security fears!!!

I’m genuinely surprised that ICE was deporting enough white people that they had regular deportation flights to the Ukraine.

I guess I’m not exactly sure how these work, though. I assume they don’t just buy them a ticket and put them on a commercial flight.

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there’s a video showing allegedly that very soldier. Apparently he is captured, wounded and being treated. He is asked to say “Putin is a dick, glory to Ukraine”, which he does.


This is your no-fly zone. Pilots aren’t going to tolerate mass casualties in a war they don’t care about. Two confirmed Russian fighters downed today with MANPADS (I think), and a helicopter downed trying to rescue the pilot of one of them.

It was a scheme concocted by David Ershon to cover for the losses by his client, Lendl Global. Terry Hoitz figured it all out.


the worry is that surface-to-air will take care of helicopters and maybe fighter jets close to the ground, if they get through anti-missile flares. but they won’t do very much against bombers. potentially PVO can, but they are more expensive, rare, and are also needed to try to intercept cruise missiles.

I think more long range anti-aircaft are on the way too.

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If Putin is micromanaging, and why wouldn’t he, he might have wanted control of the nuclear power plant so he could mess with Ukrainians by switching power on and off at will ofc, but also to get a quick win. The plant was lightly defended so why not.

But Europeans aren’t comfortable with nuclear power and shooting up the place is scary enough, it doesn’t take a lot of exaggeration to amp that up. So Putin’s “win” comes at the cost of another propaganda kick in the balls.

Wikipedia has a long list of previous attacks on nuclear power plants and other facilities, including by the US and other major militaries, though it isn’t always clear what exactly was targeted or what the operational status of the facilities was at the time.

The safest course for plant operators under these conditions is to do a cold shutdown. Last I saw, 5 of the 6 reactors at the Ukrainian site have been shut down.

It seems like this would be a good time to be really happy Donald Trump is not in charge. I guarantee there are like dozens of really smart people in the State Department who have trained their whole lives for this that he would have completely ignored on his way to inevitably escalating this shit show.