Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Well, Georgians are mostly white and Christian, and that seemed to go swimmingly.

you started it with a historical perspective that regularly appears on russian state tv. and continued defending that take as if you are a UPs resident tucker poster


russians don’t consider caucuses white. :(

all the weebey gifs ever posted.

Interesting. How do Russians translate the word Caucasian when an American says it? Must be really confusing.

Also, the important thing as far as international response is concerned is not what Russia thinks, but rather what the rest of the world thinks.

I don’t watch Russian state TV or Tucker so I can’t help you there. I don’t doubt that Mearsheimer’s perspective is echoed on Russian propaganda. As I said, the best propaganda has large elements of truth, so the fact that Mearsheimer and Russian propaganda are similar in some respects doesn’t make what Mearsheimer is saying wrong. Any more than Ambassador John Bolton, Bill Kristol, and David Frum appearing on US propaganda outlets like MSNBC or CNN automatically make their viewpoints invalid. Although I’m kind of skeptical of those guys generally.

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The Caucuses is «Кавказ».

they would probably understand what you meant if you said caucasian in english, but it russian they would use the word for white.

Hey guys, I’m starting to think we can’t take Belarus’s public officials’ word at face value.

Between this and the UKR minister of foreign affairs exaggerating the blast radius of a nuclear power plant meltdown while it was under attack and his country is being invaded, I just don’t know what to believe. I guess everything is true and nothing is true at the same time.

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I never realized Belarusians have it worse than Russians (well maybe not for long). It makes sense though. When a dictator is supported by a super power, they don’t need to curry the support of their own people at all.

It’s the same way the Somoza dynasty was able to terrorize Nicaragua for 40+ years, while being despised by all but his inner circle and connected cronies. They only cared about keeping their benefactors in the US happy.

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right you are consuming the propaganda through middle tier actors. glad you are clearing that up right now.


But once people realize you’re either a propagandist or an idiot credulously repeating propaganda they’ll tend not to listen to you.

ETA: my post was flagged, so i edited to make it clear i was using keeed’s own definition from a few posts ago.

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Their portfolio is $26B and they say they sold it last month for a net loss of only around $3M.

We’re one step ahead of you, bro.


Keeed is a decent poster imo even though I seldom agree with his takes. The drive by snipes and literally calling him an idiot propagandist is not cool.


Purports to be a Russian senator claiming that a company of conscripts was sent to Ukraine (which would be illegal) and then were wiped out almost to a man before they could be withdrawn.

Pretty wild on several levels if accurate.

i literally took the words out of his mouth


Seems too low of an angle and too stationary for a drone. Seems right that this is some kind of infantry-launched missile.

It’s funny how 50% of the time you’re like “can’t we all just get along” or “please stop” and the other 50% of the time you make posts like this.


Guys. I’m starting to think we can’t trust Putin either.

Apparently everyone lies and nothing can be believed. So believe whatever puts your mind at ease.