Ukraine, Russia, and the West



But if there was no NATO would he be content because Russia was secure? I don’t think so. The whole Russian security argument is just a cover.

He is internally consistent. I agree with that.

I don’t know what the official GTO definition of rational is. Took one poly sci class back in 1985.

State in a war of defense against weapons and propaganda fights back with weapons and propaganda.

I’m shocked.

This puts the Urkrainians in zero bad light. What are they supposed to do? Parse words with perfect diplomacy? Is that going to get the respect of Putin and he will stop?

What’s your point? We’ve been pretty good itt of recognizing truth from fiction and also cases of exaggeration.

My point is exactly what the tweet says?

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Here’s one definition of “rational”, taken from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article on game theory:

In this article, ‘economic rationality’ will be used in the technical sense shared within game theory, microeconomics and formal decision theory, as follows. An economically rational player is one who can (i) assess outcomes, in the sense of rank-ordering them with respect to their contributions to her welfare; (ii) calculate paths to outcomes, in the sense of recognizing which sequences of actions are probabilistically associated with which outcomes; and (iii) select actions from sets of alternatives (which we’ll describe as ‘choosing’ actions) that yield her most-preferred outcomes, given the actions of the other players. We might summarize the intuition behind all this as follows: an entity is usefully modeled as an economically rational agent to the extent that it has alternatives, and chooses from amongst these in a way that is motivated, at least more often than not, by what seems best for its purposes.

Arguably, what you refer to as “internal consistency” is one facet of rationality.

I would model Putin’s most-preferred outcome as bringing together Greater Russia. Whether that means simply Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine, or whether it also includes parts of other countries with significant Russian populations, or the entire former Soviet Union, I cannot say. Rhetoric about NATO and Russian security is merely part of a path that Putin sees as maximizing his goal.

It’s not necessarily wrong to amplify propaganda that you know to be exaggerated, if not outright false.

Sure, if you want to be a propagandist. But once people realize you’re either a propagandist or an idiot credulously repeating propaganda they’ll tend not to listen to you.

And you want to be a propagandist on a message board with like fifty active posters? lol? Whatever floats your boat I guess.

It’s because they are black.

Yeah I was joking. Whenever I say “makes you think”, I’m joking. I’ll add an emoticon next time.

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I think/hope most of us know that itt. I doubt anyone is taking every actor in the UKR govt at face value right now. Obviously they’re going to play things up in the war for public opinion and/or they may be getting a little emotional in the heat of battle.

On the other hand they don’t seem to be making things up out of whole cloth anything like their counterparts sitting in their comfortable offices back in Russia. So let’s not paint both sides with the same brush.

God forbid the guy getting his life choked out and fighting tooth and nail for survival is exaggerating a little bit when parts of nuclear power plant gets bombed.


Looking forward to this war being over so I can go back to believing everything I read on twitter.


Can someone translate what this says? Obviously friendly fire happens all the time. But are they implying it was intentional?

Ok I found it:


The war is so hot on social media that a typo is trending #Ukriane

quoting for posterity. i’ve told you repeatedly that you are disseminating points that only putin’s state tv and other propaganda outlets purport.


Another thread about how severe the totalitarian state in Belarus is. Like North Korea levels of bad. This is what everyday Ukrainians are willing to die to avoid.

the meme power plant has been taken over by ukrainian nationalists.

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Yeah, but it’s a good lie to tell. Dictators are notoriously paranoid, and having Putin wondering about his own FSB is good.