Ukraine, Russia, and the West

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The AN-225 is confirmed gone. And of course Russia is claiming Ukrainians destroyed their own plane.

I feel like if this were true he wouldn’t be outing them.

What if dissident agents in the FSB want Putin to feel paranoid?

When I want trustworthy information, I’m going to the straight shooters: wartime FSB.

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Overt racism in Ukraine and really Eastern Europe in general is the least surprising thing I’ve read in this thread.

Poland ain’t gonna be much better for her either.


Crew Dragon can and has brought people back from ISS. I assume Soyuz was just the craft that was on the schedule.

In other space news, Russia has cutoff rocket engine supplies for the Antares rocket, which is one of two that NASA uses for ISS supply. But again, SpaceX should have capacity to cover.


So this is based on skin tone or ethnicity? Would white Americans be treated the same or worse as white Eastern Europeans?

That the author is a moron. Putin is not a rational actor. The poly sci game theory folks assume the other sides motivations make sense. It’s like I always said on the 22 J! Thread—GTO is not optimal strategy if your opponents don’t know how to wager.

His actions are internally consistent however—and can be adjusted for. When someone tells you who they are, believe them. Don’t think you can change them or get them to act in a way that makes sense to you.



It’s purely anecdotal, but the stories the handful of black students I’ve had told me are far worse than anything I’ve experienced.

For me, the worst I get is old ladies bitching at me in Czech. For them, I mean I’ve had landlords outright tell me that they don’t rent to non-white people and even put it in their ads. It’s technically illegal to do that but nobody stops them.

I remember that Zara said that she thought that Eastern Europeans were pretty racist.

All this NATO aggression!! Argh!!

I’m willing to see Putin as a rational actor. I am willing to believe that his goal is to undo the fall of the Soviet Union and bring back some form of Greater Russia. That he chooses to have this motivation doesn’t make him irrational. His rationality depends on his willingness and ability to use the means at his disposal for accomplishing his preferred outcome in an efficient manner.

If he wants Ukraine to be part of Russia, then you need to make the cost of doing so beyond his ability or willingness to pay (which may lead to nuclear escalation) or you need to let him have Ukraine or you need to remove him from power, whether by assassination or other means. A willingness to use nukes doesn’t make him irrational, at least from a formal perspective. Using the colloquial definition of rational just confuses things.