Ukraine, Russia, and the West


I can’t really judge so defaulting to worrying.

Here’s video of the plane test in '88. This is NOT FROM UKRAINE, obviously. I calculate the kinetic energy of the plane on impact is equivalent to about 300 lb TNT, fwiw. There’s a report somewhere that likely has extensive analysis.

Never Trump Lawbros think “Putins days are numbered” is naive

Bit of fun with depressing undertones. Pay off is worth the 2 minutes.


I think the Russian stock market reopens Friday. Should be completely nuts.


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Was talking to some folks that are in the US military yesterday. None of them are high up but most have been to afghanistan or iraq. What they all relayed is their surprise as how stupid the Russian tank/armored vehicle columns are. They’re 3 abreast on a road that can barely fit them, and there’s 0 way for resupply trucks to get in and out of the line, and the mud is too deep off the road to traverse.

I guess having a way to resupply is important in war. Who knew war could be some complicated?

US: Gets humiliated on the way out of Afghanistan.
Putin: Hold my beer!

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Remember that the ultimate cause of the Fukushima desaster was failure of cooling in a spun-down reactor; because they lost the power supply and the backup diesel generators. I assume this could happen here as well due to shelling/explosions, even without significant structural damage.

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I like this a lot.

I feel like the term life-affirming is applied along this vector. You can have something like say comedy that’s completely dark and scatalogical, but also ultimately life-affirming. That’s what you want to shoot for.

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If you can’t trust the CIA, who can you trust?

Come to think of it, is this the first major war in an area with a significant amount of nuclear reactors? They have 15 at 4 locations. I can’t think of one.

“The amateurs discuss tactics: the professionals discuss logistics.” - Napoleon Bonaparte


Can’t sell it, can’t get it to the front lines, I guess they’re just going to have to light it on fire or dump it in the ocean to own the American libs.



How badly will economic sanctions really affect Russia?

This is a country whose older population spent decades standing in hours-long bread lines.

Jpmorgan said 35% for 2nd quarter and only 7% decrease for 2022.

I really doubt the 7% number. I would like to see the maffs behind all the industries being hit.

And I think a part of the Soviet fall was younger generations getting a glimpse of western life. It’s a lot harder for people to accept going backwards.