Ukraine, Russia, and the West

all he wanted to do was a little genocide. so much for the “tolerant left”

Ah ok, got it. I think it’s clear at this point that the west is staying out of it unless he launches nukes, which I think he understands is not in his interest and is pretty pointless, given that he can achieve similar ends (albeit more slowly) by shelling or carpet bombing cities conventionally. Chemical weapons are the gray area but I doubt we go in over that if he tries it.

The west is basically proving right now that he can slaughter civilians and we’re only going to sanction him and give Ukraine more weapons.

Yeah. Just maybe better to separate the more strictly “funny” stuff like memes, sick jokes, and whatnot. I know people like this thread mainly for news and what insight people can offer. Taking shots at each other too, but that’s normal.

Dark humor is like food. Not everybody gets it.

In other news:


Idk but if they were built to US standards the risk would be low.

In 1988, Sandia National Laboratories conducted a test of slamming a jet fighter into a large concrete block at 775 km/h (482 mph).[15][16] The airplane left only a 64-millimetre-deep (2.5 in) gouge in the concrete. Although the block was not constructed like a containment building missile shield, it was not anchored, etc., the results were considered indicative. A subsequent study by EPRI, the Electric Power Research Institute, concluded that commercial airliners did not pose a danger.[17]

I am honestly mystified by all of the abandoned hardware that’s apparently littered across Ukraine. Like how do you mess up logistics this badly?


Not sure I agree with cbs being dragged. Sure their timing is awful but hate is hate.

Probably kremlin pr to push on Ukraine in the west, cbs should be smarter.

I hope you don’t agree with CBS being dragged by right-wing media.

I was hearing something today about nuclear fallout maybe not being a world wonder. Not sure I give it any credibility but had to do with how high it gets into the atmosphere.

We don’t all get off on sitting around dreaming up ways for millions of people to die.

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Russian tanks are made for parades not fighting.


I don’t agree w them being dragged at all. Especially by right wing media, who can’t non hypocritically do anything.

This sort of thinking is why establishment Democrats are afraid to do anything bold.

There is going to be a lot of this stuff, and it will continue to ramp up pressure on Putin and I doubt he will be able to besiege Ukraine for another month. This is the first major “live” war where almost every person holds a video recorder.

This isn’t them but it’s the same design. Can’t say I have a lot of faith in the integrity of 40 year old Soviet infrastructure.

Because Brennan has been right so much lately, if I’m not mistaken he’s been a cheerleader on team WEGOTHIM for years.

The Democrats could do plenty of bold things without risking millions of deaths. Enough with your dreams of civil war.

I don’t agree, and also what idiocy at a former CIA director saying this publicly. Putin couldn’t ask for better propaganda….

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Is 35% a lot?

EDIT: Should have gone with “aLL tHe WEsT wiLL dO Is SanCtiOns”. Damn.