Ukraine, Russia, and the West

They had several longish calls lately, with Sarkozy kinda being the West’s point person for communications with Putin. Probably because it’s hard to call the French (well, most french) Nazis.

Our oligarchs are household names: bezos, musk, buffett, zuckerberg, gates. Maybe they are in Russia too.

On that note it’d be pretty hilarious if Russia tried a tit for tat and started seizing rich Americans’ yachts. Can’t say I’d shed a tear.

Tucker came up in the in Terry Gross interview of Anne Applebaum. Applebaum was sure he’s getting talking points directly from someone in Russia, that his takes are just too weird for that not to be the case.

thinking they would be greeted as liberators has been in the history books way too often

I’ve heard it said, jokingly I think, that life is a means for the universe to increase entropy. Your mission in life is to help the universe reach equilibrium.


I think to call US billionaires oligarchs is misunderstand the nature of the Russian system (or the US system).

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IMO it’s not the entropy, it’s the way human often react to entropy: with fear and anger.

Hard to spin Russian PR on this one.

They got there by pulling up their bootstraps!

The most likely outcome at this point seems to be Putin annexing at least half of Ukraine after a drawn out conflict in which he kills thousands of Ukrainian civilians, to say nothing of the military deaths.

But yeah they’ll be sanctioned for a while, and maybe in 5-20 years after more suffering, the Ukrainians will topple them.

This isn’t evil getting it’s ass kicked. It sounds a lot more like you deciding that unless nukes fly you’re personally going to be fine, and the net outcome after thousands of deaths will be good for the west, so you’re calling it a win for good over evil. If I recall you had some similarly bad takes about the Trump Administration where you shrugged stuff off because it wasn’t going to hurt you and wasn’t going to last forever.

The reality is that even if it’s a win for good eventually, it’s a loss for humanity that it’s even happening. If I can’t get you to care about that I don’t know what else to say.

Was wondering why people started using the word Genocide today, as opposed to killing civilians, barbaric, etc. in the past few days, and its pretty clear to me now……

Putin is going to start wantonly killing in the non-Russian speaking strongholds starting now. He is going to make his “Russians and Ukranians are the same” belief true via slaughter. If the “civilian security corridor” today is actually real, it’s for the old genocidal maniac reason of being able to say, “well, I gave them a chance to leave as an alternative….”

If nukes fly I’m in about 3 different 5 mile target zones. Not gonna bother with the rest of your post.

(edit: misread that sentence, but, for example, I think with Russia no longer getting so involved in disrupting western governments and supporting figures like Assad, climate change will be much easier to address. I also think the chinese are significantly more interested in international harmony than Russia.)

I’m confused, is nuclear fallout not a thing anymore? I genuinely haven’t read about it (don’t care to learn any more about nukes)

A lot of the time, I deal with anxiety by poking fun. Hard to know how that’s received, though. With that in mind, a poll:

Humor Under Thread of War
  • I’d rather people not joke about this topic in this thread or elsewhere.
  • I’m fine with non-serious commentary in this thread. We don’t need another thread.
  • Open up the Putin is Mean & Goofs Thread.
  • Not sure if serious.

0 voters

I think you either misread my post or misunderstood that it was a response to simplicitus’s take that good is kicking evils ass.

I’m currently a lot more worried about all of the non-nuclear weapons being used to attack and defend the very nuclear city of Enerhodar. There are six reactors there, 4 active.

I did. Was just asking as an aside as you discuss nukes a fair bit. Nvm.

We absolutely need humor about this stuff. Ukrainians would probably appreciate it.

Dark humor is pretty huge east of the Berlin Wall. The darker, the better.

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Consider me shocked.

He’ll have every reason to ramp that up and no reason to knock it off. He’ll already be as sanctioned as one can be, he’ll be eager to retaliate, and he’ll know we aren’t going to do anything material and risk nuclear war.