Ukraine, Russia, and the West



in my own lazy analysis I think that in human relations “evil” is almost always the initial betting favorite, in large part because its starting lineup includes entropy and entropy is a supreme monster and the nature of life as we know it is that the pendulum is just naturally tilted a little in its direction


Can’t say I really trust the Russians here when the plan seems to be a starve-them-out siege, but maybe this is slightly good news.

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Really, it seems to me that evil is getting its ass royally kicked at the moment, like an act 3 rollup.

Trump drove us all crazy because most people know it’s put up or shut up, and Trump never shut up and would always avoid, to comical degrees, having to put up.

Well, Putin has been playing the same game for 25 years and dragging the whole world down, propping up every dictator, sowing division, cheating at the fucking Olympics, killing people in his and other countries, making Russia a basket case.

And he finally put his insane ideas to the test, he let reality have a say, and is receiving a world-historical beat down. He may have the last laugh if nukes fly, but the idea of telling Sarkozy that Russia thinks things are going fine or whatever is absurd, and Lavrov is now in “Baghdad Bob” mode. 141 nations in the UN just voted to repudiate him.

After Trump and then fucking Covid, the zeitgeist or collective unconscious or whatever, people were fuckign done with bullshit, and then he decides to invade Ukraine, with its charismatic president and sympathetic situation, in a period where Covid restrictions are finally loosening in the US and Europe. Well that’s about the fucking worst timing imaginable. Not a good time to test the EU on things like SWIFT, companies on sanctions, Germany on gas and defense spending, etc.

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Why do people keep saying this? Putin has just fucking started and it’s already a heartbreaking disaster for Ukraine.


I’m not saying there won’t be mass death and destruction, but it’s under a microscope, and Russia’s time for gaming international affairs and interfering with foreign governments is over. Russia will be an international pariah and non-investable country as long as Putin lives.

Wow, I wonder if Tucker Carlson and the rest of the gang will be able to find other jobs.

Stick a fork in evil, folks. It’s done.

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they’ll be on newsmax or foxnews in no time

Also Trump/Desantis 2024 is probably happening.

They’ll have customers in the USA I’m sure.

It’s like the Kochs’ in the US. Lots of money, lots of soft power.

Does anyone know why Putin called Macron?

It’s a lot more involved than that, it’s a significant part of the social and organizational structure of their society. Russian oligarchs - Wikipedia

Apparently Putin has great respect for the French as people of superior intellect. Was watching an old interview with him yesterday where he said Jacques Chirac was his favorite modern leader.