Ukraine, Russia, and the West

She understands it fine

There is absolutely nothing wrong with CW stating an opinion that someone doesn’t understand something.

There is absolutely nothing worth taking offense when someone voices their opinion that you don’t understand something, regardless of whether they are right or wrong and regardless of a topic as heated as this.


Especially someone who has repeatedly accused others of “not thinking” when they disagreed with her.

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Happy to eat whatever ban but fuck her and Putin and literally all of Russia

i’m not sure if everyone understands what this is about. russians claimed a sub came within their waters, then left at maximum speed. if you search for it, you’ll find russian fake news sites, some english translations, and a repost of it on Newsmax. that should convince you that it’s not a legitimate story, where evidence has been presented and confirmed.

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The piling on in this thread is ridiculous. Everyone has made their point.


Tensions are going to run high, everyone try to cut people slack.


A real or pretend sub sneaking around in territorial waters is not a justification for a war. That’s insane.

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You’re not making any sense. Anyone at any time could fabricate some minor incident and then launch a war. The US could claim that a Russian sub was poking around the Aleutians islands and nuke them, and we haven’t, ergo US are pacificists? Moreover, Russia doesn’t want a war with the US, they want to invade Ukraine. They can’t attack Ukraine because of something a US ship allegedly did half a world away.

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it’s a completely transparent made up story. what you are saying is that if putin wanted to go to war, he’d make up a reason and go to war already. which is exactly what we are saying he is doing. he’s mobilized troops on the border and now he’s spreading disinformation to manufacture a casus belli.

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does «можем повторить» phrase mean anything to you? that’s an actual propaganda-infused public sentiment that has been preparing the population for another war with the west. those who say it clearly don’t understand the realities of war.

All my historical knowledge is from paradox games.


Chill out dude, you’re super out of line

This seems like a fair breakdown of the situation.

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That is not in the article.

The thirty-second-summary is good but the rest is level 1 garbage.

This is like saying, “Yes, I know Dmitri used to beat his former girlfriend, but he’s been married now for 5 years and has never beaten his wife. So, if he starts beating his wife it’s obviously because he was provoked.”

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Putin’s a gangster bully and needs to be put in his place.
We could take him and his cronies out in a new york minute and Im sure he knows it.
He won’t do anything that puts his wealth or health at risk.
Seal Team Six the fucker if he starts anything that could harm the US.

What kind of neocon warmonger shit is this