Ukraine, Russia, and the West

And honestly if y’all think Russia is gonna stop at Ukraine if they aren’t met with adequate resistance, you are mistaken.

I like where I live now. It has its flaws but more Russia isn’t the fix.

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It’s amazing a sanctions package isn’t already public and ready to snap down like a guillotine. Like we’re literally doing nothing but finger wagging at this point.

But likewise Russia hasn’t actually done anything other than rattle some sabers. Think Biden kinda has to wait for the invasion before sanctions get dropped.

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50 seconds left and he’s in a headlock. He’s not going to make it to the end of the round

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From the comments.

"Context is that beating up this guy is a Ukrainian meme. We have actual web counters setup for “days since Nestor Shufrych was beaten”.

Everyone was making fun of Butusov resetting the counter lmao. "

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cultural diversity is so important

They’ve put months of work into preparing a sanctions package and have shared it fairly openly.

I think it’s insane to think Russia is merely rattle sabres when it’s already conquered a portion of the country. And yeah, wait until an actual invasion before dropping sanctions, but I’m saying they’re not even in place to be dropped.

Zelensky just spoke to CNN saying otherwise.

There might be some differences in interpretation.

This gets more into the weeds. A ‘swift’ and ‘unified’ sanctions slam on Russia? Not exactly. - POLITICO

Right, everyone agrees that sanctions should take place, but the article is making it pretty clear sanctions are NOT ready to be dropped.

"President Joe Biden on Wednesday said the West is “united and galvanized” and “ready to respond decisively” to punish a Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Behind the scenes, however, even at this late stage in the crisis U.S. and European officials are still struggling to agree how hard to hit Moscow with sanctions, and when."

It’s not a game changer if it takes a week or so for sanctions to go into effect.

It is, because unclear sanctions aren’t as effective as a deterrent, and again, I’m just echoing Zelensky here.

Yes, that doesn’t mean the US is doing anything on the basis of protecting the freedoms of people who might get stuck living under a dictator. That’s a nice byproduct. It barely weighs into the decision, if at all. The decision is based on:

  1. The financial interests of American corporations and billionaires.
  2. The financial interests of the military industrial complex.
  3. What plays best in the next election.
  4. What is in the best interest of the broad American economy.

The decision is then sold to the public based on:

  4. The financial interests for the broad American economy.

The top three factors in the decision are ignored in selling/explaining it, and the top free factors in selling/explaining it are ignored in decision-making.

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Here’s a model for the basis of Putin’s thinking I just came up with.


But if Russia doesn’t want a war, wasn’t it still more of a blunder to mobilize all those troops and, you know, invade Ukraine? And then throw about a bunch of wild ultimatums and threaten war? Not sure that you’re really being consistent in how you assess the motivations of different actors here.

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Russia doesn’t want NATO to go away because they’re scared for themselves, they want NATO to go away because it gets in the way of Russia subjugating a group of people it wants control of. That’s not a good reason, and equating the two is silly


It’s not like signing up for a Costco card. Putin can’t just “join nato” when he decides it’s a good idea.


No offense, but posting this demonstrates that you don’t understand the situation.


Seems like it’s happening regardless of who allegedly wants what.

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