Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Are you saying this didn’t happen?

Sry I’m conflating things. I guess it did happen, just that it wasn’t that useful of a thing. Of course it’s possible to build artillery that shoots hundreds of miles away, it’s just that coriolis effect, weather and ish makes it inaccurate af. It was used as a joke in our military service where I unfortunately got assigned as an artilleryman.


Why do you think there are 120000 Russian troops at the Ukrainian border?

“trade accusations” is balanced?

We all know Russia will fabricate some attack by Ukraine. It’s not some new tactic in offensive wars. Pulling out the microscope to figure out “what’s really happening” is to have already fallen for it.

I, for one, would be shocked if a dictator who had killed off most of his opponents, reconfigured the system under his control, and wanted to reassert the imperial majesty of Mother Russia, attempted to reassert the imperial majesty of Mother Russia.

Who will be Putin’s Kruschev. On the Cult of Personality and Its Consequences - Wikipedia


You couldnt be more wrong about the US in Europe. They rather have the Europeans fight for their own so that the US can focus on Asia. Now they are forced to bring back troops to Europe because Europe and the EU are unable to create an European force that would be able to defend against somebody like Russia. Not to mention that Poland doesnt want German troops on their soil.

I still think that Russias interest stop at the western border of Russia and not at the western border of Ukraine, Belorussia or Poland. That these countries feel threatend isnt implausible. That Russia feels threatened that is implausible. They only fear one thing and that is the export of the values of western democracies like free elections, free speech and so on.


The politicians in charge in the US don’t want to be involved in a war with Russia. It will be massively detrimental to their careers and near-term agenda. That’s not a defense of the US or saying they won’t warmonger or that they have good intentions, but there is no way the current regime wants this right now.

They don’t want NATO members involved at all, it starts becoming a huge headache real fast. If they could let Russia get bogged down in the Ukraine without blow back then yeah, I agree, they’d be happy to live with the human casualties to weaken a rival. That’s not really the case here though. US would strongly prefer this all just went away. War here isnt in the geopolitical interests of the US, or at least of the current ruling interests.

It’s in the US geopolitical interest that nobody fight a war and Ukraine continue it’s transition into a western aligned democracy. If there is a war, Putin might win.

There is no way that Biden/Democrats actually want any kind of conflict here, unless their goal is to get slaughtered in the midterms as badly as possible (which given how they’ve governed recently, I can’t 100% rule out).


The “both sides bad” narrative is nonsense. There will only be a war if the Russians invade the Ukraine.


What is European NATO? If NATO countries end up dragged into active fighting then there are two outcomes. Either the US becomes involved by definition or NATO basically ceases to exist in its current form. Both are very problematic outcomes for the US.


Correct me if I’m wrong here, but Article V is only invoked if our NATO allies are invaded, right? Not if they choose to join in with Ukraine and are not directly attacked.

europe does has a great track record containing expansionist regimes to only one, or two, countries max.

ОБСЕ documents ceasefire violations and possible violations in the area of conflict. the numbers of gunshots and explosions in the area is in the hundreds on a normal day. it spiked to 4x as much at the same time as the shelling. they are not trading accusations in that there is actual gunfire. they haven’t reported on the kindergarten shelling that i can find yet, but if you would like to place a wager on what they are going to say, please say so in this thread. keep in mind, their last report also documented russian/rebel side preventing OSCE inspections. like they were driving to see where artillery units are and were not let through checkpoints.

the tactic of shelling the other side and then saying that side did it themselves is somewhat well known. it aligns with the aggressor posture used in donbass by the “rebels”/russians.

the tactic of shooting your own school followed by feigned outrage at the other side, that’s trickier to pull off with the world watching, while trying to avert war. but hey zara has a soul read on USA/biden, who apparently just got out of a war in afghanistan but wants to get into one in europe.

submarine incident is clearly made up by russia. what diplomat expulsion are you talking about? us expelled 10 last year for hacking during election. most recently coinciding with ukrainian crisis russia expelled a US diplomat before his visa expired, ie without cause.


What are people’s views of BNO News? Like, it’s not as reliable as other/major news organizations right? They just seem to go with stuff more quickly.

BNO hasn’t led me wrong yet, seem to have better online/twitter presence.

Thats… not good news

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