Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Economic ruin. Only hopefully not so bad as to cause a recession.

Friendly reminder

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Not declaring his support of article 5 was a pretty big deal.

I mean not to America but to people who live in Europe east of Berlin it was

false flag?

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What am I watching?

More seriously, idk about the source of that specific video but the tweet could be referring to this.

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Fwiw, I looked up the tail code for the plane getting buzzed in the riverman video. NF corresponds to the carrier air wing assigned to the Ronald Reagan, which operates out of Japan so even if the video is real it isn’t from the CNN reported incidents. It could be one of the Reagan’s F-18s. Leaning towards video is fake as I can’t find a mention of an incident like this.


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I truly don’t understand why anyone takes anything Putin says seriously. Its even more ridiculous than taking Trump seriously as he occasionally blurts out the truth.

Media is completely incapable of covering serial liars.


I like your thought process, but I don’t think it’s necessary to really go beyond Putin is a liar who has put a bunch of military assets in theater anyways, so he’s responsible for this no matter what.

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uhhhh that position is based on thought Zara. Paralysis by analysis is also a very real phenomenon. Overcomplicating things doesn’t actually help.

You also ignore how Putin is responsible for this even if it was the Ukranians. They’re rightfully a little touchy right now.

It is not impossible to shoot a piece of artillery at 8km. Secondly, even if it was, artillery rarely hangs out on the front line Zara. It’s going to be behind the lines, by a decent amount.

This. 8km is nothing for artillery. In WW1 the German army shelled Paris from 120km away.

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Fwiw Even back in WWI field artillery had up to twice that range. Stationary artillery based on train cars a lot more than that. Ze Kaiser‘s troops were shelling Paris from 80 miles away

Edit: I guess my pony is still pulling field artillery around early 20th century France.


Stationary artillery? Did we learn nothing from Napoleon Total War?


I thought Zara thought that was too close tbh, which isn’t true either obviously.

Big if true. Paris gun was mostly a psychological deterrent and not much is known of its specs. Still, 152/155 howitzers can shoot 40+ km somewhat accurately.