Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Russia only wants war if they can claim that they were attacked first.

So they’re now trying to manufacture it so they don’t have to lose face by backing off.

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Hope I get to play Elden Ring before I get nuked.


“Separatists” :roll_eyes:

Zara’s posts remind me of the people who blame the pacific theater of world war 2 on the USA instead of Japan because the USA refused to provide oil and other resources to Japan. Never mind that was because Japan was occupying Manchuria and other areas for 5 years before Pearl Harbor

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This post is incredibly bad form on multiple levels. Do better.

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He’s not wrong though

Am I supposed to just guess at what went wrong there?

The problem with her take was already pointed out with much more respectful, informative posting.

Speaking of someone in the 3rd person instead of directly addressing them, in the middle of an active conversation, is a dick move and completely uncalled for.

I don’t see how using the “third person” is rude at all, and this thread is littered with people using the third person as well so I don’t see why my post suddenly is offensive to you.

I’m not gonna derail this thread. If any of those examples were the equivalent to “can you believe how dumb this take is?” while also adding zero value to the discussion, then I agree they are also in bad form.

Well, nothing can stop your imagination I guess. Nothing like that was meant, or written, tbh.

Someone has his feelings hurt.


I can’t think of a single time you’ve been disrespectful to me. Also I do have respect for you. You’re going to get challenged though when you both sides this though.


While this is an extremely complicated situation, the following seems pretty simple:

  1. American political and military leaders lie about military conflicts and potential conflicts in order to try to influence public support.

  2. Russian political and military leaders lie about military conflicts and potential conflicts in order to try to influence public support.

  3. Ukraine is not invading Russia.

  4. Ukraine does not want to be invaded by Russia.

Hence take anything Russian or American leaders say with a grain of salt, but if full-fledged war breaks out it’s because Russia wants to invade Ukraine, period.


I haven’t been keeping up with this thread, just saw this on twitter and saw that it wasn’t posted yet and thought it might relevant.

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I’m starting to think Biden is just putting out press releases that Putin is planning things he doesn’t want Putin to do as a form of reverse psychology.

nah a shining personality posting links from tvzvezda isn’t really triggering to me. it’s a bit funny, because it’s not even good propaganda. it’ so bad, it’s literally live-covering the blessing of the military cathedral that putin built. lol.