Ukraine, Russia, and the West

I was getting ready to post this

I’m not touching the bitcoin thread but I assume its up 8% today because Russians are buying to get around sanctions?

She’s using a bit of her uvula when saying her K, which does sound a bit like a uvular R to a French or German speaker, or a bit like the Ch in Chanukkah.

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Canada’s most respected stateman weighs in.

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This is a family thread, buddy, take the filth somewhere else.


You’re off by .23%.

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Putin really has fucked this up hasn’t he.

I just hope there’s a safe exit available but short of him being offed or deposed I think things just get worse.

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Posted this yesterday, but I doubt it’s easy for anyone to get close enough to him to off him. This is from a few days back. Check out how far away everyone is when the camera pans out at around 0:52, and these are his own buddies.

I don’t even know what a “win” looks like for Putin here. Even if he washes the entire Ukrainian army today he’s stuck with enormous economic damage and a territory that seems ready to engage in guerrilla warfare for years. Support for NATO seems higher than ever.

Bullies feel good when they punch down at weak people. It’s not necessarily a strategic play, it could just be angry lashing out combined with unshakeable belief that he actually is the Great Man that his yes men tell him he is.

In addition to what Mos is saying, Putin appears to fully subscribe to the worst hyper-masculine, never show weakness, etc mindset which is fucking psychotic and does not fit with what you or I would consider rational action.

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Crimea + Donbas being internationally recognized as part of Russia, perhaps connecting Crimea to Donbas by also annexing Melitopol and Mariupol? Perhaps formally annexing Belarus through the fealty of Lukashenko?

Trades that for allowing Ukraine into NATO with a promise of no foreign troops there, or something like that, and also gets the lifting of all sanctions and assistance in propping the ruble back up. Locks in a massive land grab that is big enough to support the economy behind a newly forming iron curtain, is able to prop the ruble back up, and gets an off ramp.

But if he thinks he’s on a divine mission to restore Mother Russia to her old glory by taking back half of Europe, then it doesn’t matter. And I’m not even sure Ukraine or NATO takes that above deal anyway.

I think his best play here is just to murder civilians as a way of forcing Ukraine into negotiating some kind of permanent concession in Crimea.

Just look at how Republicans think anything short of total domination of your political enemies is effete weakness and completely shameful behavior. That type of mindset can’t compromise without feeling weak. From that kind of perspective, it would be rational to go all in on capturing some or all of Ukraine when that has been your stated public goal for years because anything less is going to be viewed as being the ultimate cuck/pussy/whatever thing to happen.

Reuters reporter:

I can’t understand why anyone would take Putin at his word on anythjng, much less something like this. The fact that he still gets treated like a reasonable adult is such a clear illustration of a massive failure of humanity, imo.

That’s Mr. Def to you, thank you very much.

Thankfully only 90% of the male population in the US subscribes to the same toxic masculinity ideas that Putin does. Here’s a very unpleasant thought - even if world dodges the catastrophe bullet this year in Ukraine, in the next 10 years as the reality of America continue to conflict with Americans’ mental image of America the opportunity for an American Putin will continue to increase. Some unholy encapsulation of all the worst elements of Trump and Putin and Joe Rogan and Dave Chappelle will have the opportunity to seize on the widespread disbelief that American is falling behind China, claim that it’s happening because of Soy Boys and CRT and ANTIFA and cancel culture, and the way to MAGA is to elect a totalitarian strong man who isn’t going to let America get pushed around no more. This is basically Trump’s big political idea, that American can be saved by a bully, but he’s actually just too stupid to do it himself.

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If he starts indiscriminately murdering civilians on a large scale I think the West would get much more involved.